Rutgers’ Computer Science program is highly rated, but how does it compare to other top universities? There are many aspects to this program that you must consider before deciding whether it’s the right choice for you. This post will explore these different factors and examine what makes Rutgers Computer Science program one of the best in the country.
How Does Rutgers CS Program Rate as a Top Computer Science Program?
While Rutgers certainly has a long way to go, its current computer science program is among some of the most promising for students looking to get into entry-level tech jobs or start their own companies.
The undergraduate and graduate programs place students on a path full of possibilities. Students have ample opportunities to connect with faculty members and corporations in New Jersey. Although CS isn’t as well-known as other top computers science programs like Carnegie Mellon or Stanford, graduates have gained spots at major tech companies such as Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, Uber, and Google.
The school receives an impressive amount of corporate funding. Generally, many of these companies even have offices on campus where they recruit students directly out of classes. This makes it easy for undergraduates to make valuable connections before they even finish their degrees.
Additionally, several student organizations are dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs launch startups. Not only does Rutgers offer quality education, but it also provides plenty of resources for students interested in building startups and gaining access to industry experts.

The Background History of Rutgers
The famed scientist Ben Franklin helped found Rutgers University in 1766. It was known as Queen’s College and began teaching classes in New Brunswick, NJ. It took a few decades for its reputation to grow to anything significant.
In 1864, another school called Rutgers Preparatory School opened up; at some point around here, both colleges merged and became a public university with two divisions: Rutgers College (where liberal arts were taught) and Rutgers Scientific School (which taught math and science).
Eventually, these two schools separated again because they couldn’t work together effectively. They finally became what we know today as Princeton University when they joined forces with an elite prep school in 1865.
Nowadays, Rutgers is ranked among the top 25 national universities by U.S. News & World Report and boasts one of America’s oldest engineering programs (the first-ever chemical engineering program came out of Rutgers).
As you can see, there is plenty of history behind Rutgers University, and computer science has been part of that history before computers even existed!
What Are the Benefits of Going to Rutgers?
Rutgers has an excellent reputation for Computer Science. It is located in New Jersey, which means there are many opportunities to work closely with the industry, and it also means that there are plenty of good internships available.
- It has a good community with events held regularly for students and alumni.
- The best thing about Rutgers is that it is relatively cheap compared to other programs but will still provide you with all you need to get a top education in computer science.
- There is always strong teaching and research in CS; however, recently, they have been increasing their number of staff and building new facilities.
Overall, Rutgers is an excellent place for CS students. We recommend applying if you’re considering grad school or working after graduation.
How Does Rutgers’ Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science Help?
The technical computer science degree from Rutgers University is more than just a means to an end in career preparation. It can be an option for students considering graduate school in computer science or related fields because it integrates many courses that apply directly to these types of programs.
For example, a Master’s degree in artificial intelligence requires you to know about machine learning, neural networks, and programming languages like Python and Java. The university offers courses on all these topics at every level, so you’ll be fully prepared.
Students planning on continuing their education will also find value in the coursework because it encourages critical thinking, the essential skill used in solving complex problems.
Are There Any Student Organizations I Can Join at Rutgers?
One of your best bets for starting to make connections is to join one of the many student organizations on campus. You might be able to find something that directly relates to your field or, even better, something a little tangential.
Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with computer science, you’ll meet people who will help widen your horizons and give you a new perspective. As a bonus, most student organizations are free or at least low-cost. It’s not much money for what can be a significant return on investment in terms of networking and learning about your program.
The Career Programs that Employ Rutgers’ CS Graduates
Knowing which jobs are available to those who graduate from these programs is good if you consider enrolling in a computer science program. Below is a list of some fields and job titles:
- Software Developer.
- Software Quality Assurance Engineer.
- Network Security Analyst.
- Computer Systems Analyst.
- Database Administrator.
These jobs all require a bachelor’s degree but are also very lucrative.
How Many Students Graduate with a Degree in CS Every Year?
Last year, over 93 computer science students graduated from Rutgers University-New Brunswick. To put that in perspective, more than 16,000 students graduated from that same school during that same period.
This means around 0.6% of graduates received a degree in CS. If you want to make sure you have some company at your graduation ceremony, consider choosing another major.
At best, only one out of every 167 students graduating with a degree in CS will find work as a programmer or software engineer.
So, if you’re interested in starting a career as an IT professional, consider looking into schools like Drexel University (9.8%), Purdue University (7.4%), and Brigham Young University (7%).
These three schools are so popular among undergraduates that they rank within the top 50 schools for undergraduate studies overall. They offer excellent financial aid packages and boast an on-campus living experience second to none.
How Long Does It Take to Get My Degree at Rutgers, and What’s My Expected Salary After Graduation?
You need to consider a few pieces of information when considering how long it will take you to complete your bachelor’s degree in computer science. First, computer science is one of those fields that has an enormous overlap with other disciplines, particularly electrical engineering and mathematics.
Other schools offer better programs if you’re interested in fields like artificial intelligence, security, or computer architecture. On top of that, Rutgers doesn’t offer a standard BSc in computer science. Your options range from a general BA in CS to a BS+MS double major.
So, check out each program closely before choosing one for yourself. Finally, as far as salary goes, if you’re looking for a well-paying job right after graduation, then go somewhere else. The average salary for someone with a bachelor’s degree in computer science is around $60k per year.
However, Rutgers might be worth considering if you want to work in New Jersey. The state pays its software developers more than almost any other state in America. In fact, according to Glassdoor, New Jersey ranks third overall for software developer salaries (just behind Washington DC and California).
Suppose you’re planning on going into academia after graduation, then good news: academics tend to make more money than practitioners anyway!
Can I Get Academic Scholarships or Grants While Studying at Rutgers University?
Rutgers is considered a public institution, which partly means taxpayers fund them. To be funded by taxpayers, they need to prove that their programs and degrees help benefit the whole society. This means that some money will likely be available in your field of study. For example, if you’re majoring in computer science, you may access scholarships like NJIT’s Bergen County Academies Scholarship or NJIT’s McNair Scholars Program.
Again, these are just some examples of what’s available at different schools; your school should be able to tell you exactly what’s available.
Incoming Students Can Apply for University Grants
In addition to other financial aid options, incoming first-year students can apply for university grants directly through Rutgers. Two types of grants are offered through Rutgers.
- The Undergraduate Research Grant.
- Undergraduate Arts Grant.
Both grants come with a few strings attached. The only fundamental requirement is that you’re an incoming first-year student in good academic standing who plans on enrolling full-time at Rutgers.
The Undergraduate Research Grant is designed to help students fund research projects or internships related to their major. Before applying for a grant, you must submit a proposal outlining your project idea and how it will benefit your education.
However, there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive funding even if you’re approved for a grant because there’s only enough money available to support about 10% of applicants. The amount awarded varies based on several factors (including whether or not you have previous research experience), but most students receive between $500-$1,000 per semester.