How To Map Network Drive On Mac – Step By Step Guide

If you are using a file server frequently from your Mac computer then mapping the network drives to your desktop can be very helpful. There are a few ways available to map the network drive on the Mac computer. One of the methods is temporary where you map one time and it will reset after a reboot. Another method is permanent where the mapped network drive appears and mounts on the desktop after system reboots and user logins which are very convenient. Read this article; in this article, our experts have elaborated on how you can set up both methods so that you can temporarily connect to a network share, or always connect to a network drive.

Method 1 – Temporarily Map Network Drive On Mac

In this method; you will be able to map a network drive or network share temporarily and it will disappear when a network connection drops or is disconnected or the computer is rebooted. So follow the steps accordingly:

1. First, go to the Mac OS X Finder

2. Now click the “Command+K” together to bring up the ‘Connect to Server’ window

3. Then enter the path to the network drive you want to map, for example:

a) smb://networkcomputer/networkshare

4. Now click on the Connect button

5. You have to enter the login/password and click “OK” to mount the network drive

6. You will see the drive appear on your desktop and in the Finder window sidebar

7. Now you will be able to share network like any other folder as long as you maintain the same network

Method 2 – Permanently Map Network Drive On Mac

This method is preferred by most Mac users because it is permanent, so you can reboot your Mac computer and still have the mapped network drive, / network share automatically connect and remount on your Mac Desktop or in the Finder sidebar. Now follow the instructions carefully:

1. First, go to the Mac OS X Finder

2. Now click the “Command+K” together to bring up the ‘Connect to Server’ window

3. Then enter the path to the network drive you want to map, for example:

a) smb://networkcomputer/networkshare

4. Now click on the Connect button

5. You have to enter the login/password and click “OK” to mount the network drive

6. You will see the drive appear on your desktop and in the Finder window sidebar

7. Now you have to continue to map for system reboot persistence

8. So from the Apple Menu enter into System Preferences

9. Then click on the Accounts option

10. Then click on the “Login Items” option

11. Click on the + button to add another login item

12. Now locate the network drive you previously mounted and click “Add”

13. Finally, exist from the System Preferences

From now on, the network drive will automatically map and remounted when you reboot the Mac computer. But you have to remember, if you leave the network then you have to re-join the network again to reconnect the process.

How To Make The Mapped Network Drive Visible On The Mac Desktop

It is true that the mounted drive will not appear on the Mac desktop because of the System setting. But there are ways you can visible the mapped drive icon on your Desktop. So follow these simple steps:

1. First, go to the Mac OS X Finder

2. Now click the “Command+” together to bring up the finder Preferences

3. Then click on the General tab

4. Now from the available option select the checkbox next to ‘Connected Servers’

5. Finally, close the Finder Preferences

Now you will be able to see the icon on your Mac Desktop. Though it always remains to appear in the Finder window sidebars and Open/Save dialogues.

How To Identify Duplicate Files On Mac Drives

It is very important to identify and remove duplicate files from your Mac drivers. Gemini is a great tool for digging out any duplicate content or files on your Mac drives, so you can delete everything that is you no longer need while hanging onto backup documents, photos, etc. So follow these simple steps:

1. First, download and install the Gemini app on your Mac

2. Launch the App on your computer and click on the “+” icon

3. Now choose from the recommended locations or select a custom folder

4. Now click on the “Scan for the Duplicates” to scan the folder

5. Once the scan is completed delete the duplicated files manually or use the Smart Cleanup to automatically delete the duplicate files

Final Thoughts

Shared networks are treated differently by the Mac OS than the external drives and disk images so it requires different methods to Map network drives on Mac computers. I hope you find the article informative and map the network drive on Mac easily. Let us know if you want to know anything about this topic in the comment section. Our experts will help you out!

How To Map Network Drive On Mac – Step By Step Guide


What Is A Network Drive?

A network drive, or NAS (Network-Attached Storage), is a type of storage device that allows you to access your files from one central location.

Network drives are devices that allow network users to store data on the shared drive and access it from any computer in the network.�?

In order to use a network drive, you need a computer on the same physical network as the NAS.

What Is The Difference Between A Network Drive And A Shared Folder?

The difference between a network drive and a shared folder is the amount of storage space available. A network drive has infinite, or at least much more than a shared folder, and can also be accessed from multiple computers without any additional configuration. A shared folder’s storage is limited by the size of the computer it is on and only one computer can access it.

What Is The Difference Between A Network Drive And A Local Drive?

You may be wondering what the difference is between a network drive and a local drive. A local drive is one that you have installed on your computer to store your files while a network drive is one that you access through your network to store your files. The benefit of using a network drive for storage is that it will allow you to share the information with others on the same network.

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