No matter where you live, you are always at risk of having your car stolen. By the way, about 50% of cars stolen are left unlocked and sometimes have the keys in the car. So, please don’t leave your keys in a car like these thousands of people did. And don’t keep important vehicle documents in the car.
The Top 10 worst cities for car theft list has been uncovered and I am sure you are not going to believe which cities are these. The report comes from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) and is part of the annual “Hot Spots” report. Let’s get straight to it.
1. San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, California (29,093)
2. Bakersfield, California (5,211)
3. Stockton-Lodi, California (4,245)
4. Odessa, Texas (886)
5. Modesto, California (3,047)
6. Spokane-Spokane Valley, Wash. (3,032)
7. Vallejo-Fairfield, California (2,414)
8. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, Wash. (20,268)
9. Fresno, California (5,260)
10. San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California (10,531)
A car is stolen every 33 seconds in the United States. And many of those thefts could be stopped. Drivers need to be more cautious in saving their car from thieves. Of course, California has a huge population than most states in the U.S., and that assuredly just means there are more cars to thieve. Some 40% to 50% of stealing were the result of driver mistakes, like leaving keys in the car or leaving the doors unlocked.
The organization, NICB said, “Although vehicle thefts are down dramatically around the nation, the reasons they are stolen remain the same”. “Older vehicles are stolen primarily for their parts value while newer, high-end vehicles often are shipped overseas or, after some disguising, sold to an innocent buyer locally.”
Car Thieves’ Favorite Colors
The color of your car may raise its attractiveness among thieves. According to CCC Information Services, the top five colors of vehicles stolen in 2014 were:
1. Silver
2. White
3. Black
4. Gold
5. Dark green

Most Susceptible Positions For Car Theft
Nationwide statistics for 2014 show that car thefts were most dominant in the West, especially in California, and least prevailing in the Northeast. Here is how car theft ranked in different parts of the country:
1. West: 37.1 percent
2. South: 36.5 percent
3. Midwest: 17.9 percent
4. Northeast: 8.5 Percent
No matter what area of the country you live in, the possibility of having your car robbed are maximum in an urban place. Dark, solitary places are also the main sites favored by thieves because they can work peacefully.
Simple Ways To Protect Your Car From Theft
Don’t let yourself become a victim. Use your Common sense if you don’t want a criminal sitting behind the wheel of your car. Here are a few things you need to remember:
1. Remove your keys from the ignition. Thieves know exactly where to look for them.
2. Lock your doors /close your windows, even when at home. Even don’t forget the sunroof when you’re not in the car.
3. Park in a well-lit area.
4. Never leave valuables in plain sight where they might lure a passerby.
5. Don’t Leave Your Car Running and unattended. It can be an open invitation for thieves.
6. Use a physical anti-theft device. You can use a visible or audible device that alerts thieves that your vehicle is protected.
7. Take advantage of a tech-based auto recovery tool.
No one is safe from vehicular theft, but you could be more minded to it if you live in certain places or drive an attractive car. Use common sense when parking or leaving your car for the night. And don’t forget to follow these simple tips and double-check your security alerts.