Remember when the iPod touch was the go-to gadget for those who didn’t have an iPhone or iPad? Unfortunately, these times are rapidly passing us by. Apple no longer promotes iPods, so it’s time to put this one on the shelf with the rest of the iPods — or upgrade it.
Apple and its customers have forgotten about the iPod touch. You’ll have to Google it to find out that the corporation still sells the 2019 seventh-generation iPod touch in six colors with 256GB of storage. So why does it still exist? Many users wonder why Apple still makes iPods if the iPhone can do everything an iPod can.
The Background History of the iPod
One of the most famous technological products is the iPod, released in 2001. However, its massive design and mechanical scroll wheel appear ancient by today’s standards. Even though it was a hit with Mac users, Apple wasn’t about to rest on its laurels.
The business released the second-generation iPod in 2002. This time, Apple replaced the iPod’s mechanical scroll wheel with a touch wheel. The third version iPod was released in 2003, and it included four touch buttons in place of the button that Apple used to line the scroll wheel.
By 2003, the iPod had become a worldwide phenomenon, and Apple had become one of the most well-known technology corporations. Apple then stepped up its iPod game in 2004.
The first iPod with a color display was released in 2004. That year, though, Apple also released the iPod nano. The original iPod nano is often regarded as one of Apple’s most refined products.
The iPod as a video player debuted with the fifth-generation iPod in 2005. It was the first iPod to support video purchases made through the iTunes Store.�?
Apple also released the iPod shuffle in 2005. Because it didn’t have a screen, this was the tiniest iPod ever. However, Apple released the iPod nano the following year, superseding the iPod mini. Another great hit was the nano.
In 2006, Apple kept iterating on its iPod portfolio, but in 2007, everything changed.

Why Is There Still an Apple iPod Touch When the iPhone Can Do Everything an iPod Can?
The answer is relatively easy. It is because it is not an iPhone and may be used by children. Many parents want to give their children a gadget but are hesitant to spend $1,000 on an iPhone. Although it lacks phone and text capabilities, users may still communicate with friends and family using FaceTime and iMessage.�?
They can also play games and listen to music. Because this iPod costs just $199, it is ideal for children to use because it will not be as expensive as the iPhone and will not be as quickly lost or destroyed.
Ideal for Children and the Elderly
Gifting the iPod to children introduces them to the Apple ecosystem, increasing their likelihood of purchasing an iPhone when they are ready to upgrade.�?
It can also be beneficial to the elderly who are unable or unable to use a smartphone. It may be used to FaceTime with family members or listen to music from Spotify, Apple Music, or even the radio.
The iPod touch is a relatively inexpensive device. With 32GB of storage, it costs $199. The iPod touch might be their preferred device for playing games, listening to music, and communicating with pals via iMessage and FaceTime.�?
It’s pretty robust, thanks to its matte metal coating, which gives it an edge over specific previous iPhone models.
With Family Sharing enabled, the child may use iCloud and request an adult’s approval for in-app purchases, and it can always be discovered with the Find My function. However, the iPod touch is too tiny for an adult or an older person to read or play games on. The iPod touch speakers are likewise disappointing.
Let’s go back to 2019 and compare the iPod touch to a game console. When the seventh-generation iPod touch was released, Nintendo was only a few months away from releasing the $199 Nintendo Switch Lite, designed for youngsters.�?
It has a more durable design, detachable controllers, and classic Nintendo games. It’s also worth noting that it has a bigger screen than the iPod touch.
The Device is Small and Easy to Handle
Another factor is that smartphones are growing more extensive and expensive every year. That is an issue for many people since there are times when a large phone isn’t practical, and you need something smaller.�?
App developers, for example, may find it advantageous to have a tiny low-cost device on which to test their programs.�?
When going to the gym or for a run, the large iPhone can feel too huge in the pocket or on armbands, so an iPhone is preferable, and for individuals who want to track things like steps, keeping a compact iPod accessible can be helpful.
Availability of Headphone Jack�?�?
Only two current Apple devices include a headphone jack: the iPod touch and the iPad. Apple eliminated the jack with the iPhone 7, and iPads with headphone jacks lasted a little longer, although only the 9th model iPad has it.�?
That is most likely due to their widespread usage in education, and that wired headphones are far less expensive than Bluetooth headphones. However, your iPad is too big to fit in your pocket.
It is not capable of receiving calls. Some may consider this a drawback, while others prefer a gadget free of interruptions. You may disable iMessages so that you can use your iPhone without interruption. You may, however, utilize it for FaceTime to make voice and video calls to other Apple users, even though the front camera is just 1.2 MP.
What Options Does Apple Have with the iPod Touch?
Apple needs to do more to support the flagship iPod, but what can it do to better the iPod Touch and keep it selling in the face of its higher-profile siblings? So, put on your thinking cap and pull out your crystal ball to try to piece together the iPod Touch’s future.
Thin it Out
Isn’t it true that gadgets can never be too thin? That is especially true for any iPod, which has to compete for real pocket space with today’s massive smartphones.
The issue is that its 0.28-inch depth is barely enough to accommodate today’s standard headphone minijack.
Apple might make it a wedge form, similar to the Macbook Air, with ports on one end and a blade on the other.�?
Alternatively, it may do away with the headphone port entirely, resulting in a boom in the Bluetooth headset business.
The iPod Touch’s thinness will not make it a holiday must-have. Apple must be working on something else.
Make it 3G
An iPod Touch with the iPad’s no-contract 3G cellular service would upend the mobile business by allowing antisocial misfits to text, tweet, and e-mail without dealing with the awkwardness of voice calls.
There are grounds to suspect that a 3G iPod Touch will not be released. For starters, it would eat into iPhone sales. Two, carriers may refuse to support the gadget if it poses a significant risk to their company. Finally, the 3G hardware would add to the size and cost of the design.
Disconnect from the Dock
Apple has previously said that the upcoming iOS version allows users to activate and sync devices without physically connecting to a computer. The function is called PC Free, and the symbol depicts a pair of scissors severing the dock cord. This one doesn’t require you to be Sherlock Holmes to put together.
Users may use iCloud to sync their files and contacts and continue to download new stuff from the iTunes and App stores on their mobile devices. You can use Bluetooth or AirPlay to broadcast multimedia. Apple gets to brag about pushing you into the future while the world goes wireless.
Apple will also gain from the influx of third-party accessory developers required to build new charging and streaming media solutions for these connection-free gadgets. That will require many AirPlay licenses and any proprietary billing standard it develops.
Improved Cameras
The camera improvision is something we truly want to happen. The iPhone’s outstanding camera quality has always been part of the secret sauce that has made it so popular. Unfortunately, the iPod Touch employs an entirely different sensor, with disappointing results.
According to rumors, the slimmer shape of the iPod made it hard to fit the iPhone 4’s camera sensor. Perhaps, technology has progressed far enough to fix the problem in the last year.
A Larger Screen
Why not offer the iPod Touch a larger screen if Apple genuinely wants to set it apart from the iPhone? Between the iPhone and the iPad, make it the Goldilocks gadget.
A 5-inch screen, similar to the Dell Streak’s, would be fascinating. It’s still tiny enough to slip into your pocket, but the larger screen is ideal for games, videos, and e-books (sorry, iBooks).
In Conclusion, as much as we imagine how the iPod can be improved, there is an unconfirmed rumor that the iPod might be discontinued this year.