The computer is the greatest invention of modern science. The computer has made a revolutionary change in our day-to-day life and we are largely dependent on the computer. A computer makes our life easy and we can do our tasks more quickly with the help of a computer. However, a slow computer can make your happiness a nightmare because it can make even the simplest of jobs feel like a real hassle. There are many reasons a computer can become slow and many ways available to fix the problem. Read this article to know all the details about this topic.
Why A Computer Become Slow All Of A Sudden?
This is a very common question among computer users. Many users have stated that their computer was running fine but all of a sudden it becomes slow. Well, there are many reasons a computer can become slow. Generally, the operating system manages the resources of a computer as well as all the programs running on it. So there are vast numbers of things that can slow down the computer. Some of the key reasons are:
1. Running out of RAM
2. Running out of disk drive space
3. Old or fragmented hard drive
4. Too many background programs
5. Too many startup programs
6. Falling behind on Windows or driver updates
7. Malware or viruses
8. Special effects and visual features
How To Make The Computer Faster
Performing tasks with a slow computer are very annoying. So if your computer becomes slow then it is very important you fix the problem and recover the lost speed of your computer. There are many ways you can make your computer fast. These methods are very simple so anyone with minimum computer knowledge can try these methods. Let’s check them out!
Uninstall Unused Programs
A computer comes with a lot of pre-installed programs. Moreover, you install a lot of programs that might require you to do tasks. But installing too many programs can slow down your computer’s speed. So it is very important you scan your computer every now and then and find out which programs are unused for a long time and you don’t require them anymore. Uninstall those programs from your computer and boost the speed of your computer.
Delete Temporary Files
Operating System creates temporary files to help with the running of programs and to back up information. Generally, temporary files store and move data, manage settings, help recover lost data, and manage multiple users profiles. Too many temporary files can slow down your computer. So it is wiser to locate all the temporary files that are older than the current date and delete them. This way you can regain the lost speed of your computer.
Stop Unnecessary Startup Apps
When you open your computer a lot of pre-selected apps automatically start to run in the background. These applications running in the background consume the computer’s memory and can make the computer slow. To reduce the number of apps running in the background and make your computer fast. You will find all the running applications on the “Startup” tab. Uncheck the apps that are unnecessary or disable them.
Free Hard Drive Space
A full hard drive can make your computer slow. Experts’ opinion is; you should keep at least 200-500MB of free hard drive space to operate your computer smoothly. To find out which drive is full and scan the drive to identify the unnecessary files and delete them to free up space. Do this to all your drives and free up as much space as you can. You will see a significant improvement in the speed of your computer.
Scan For Viruses
A virus is a major reason your computer can become slow all of a sudden. If your computer becomes infected with viruses then your computer will run slowly. There is lots of anti-virus software available that can protect your computer from viruses as well as scan your computer to see if your computer is infected with a virus or not. If your computer doesn’t have an anti-virus application installed then install it immediately for active protection against viruses.
Scan For Malware
Nowadays, malware is a major reason for many computers’ slower performance. Malware can badly reduce the speed of your computer. Even if you have an antivirus scanner installed on the computer, your computer can be affected by the malware. So it is important you run a malware scan to find out if your computer has malware or not.
Final Thoughts
I hope you find this article helpful and learn how to recover the speed of computers that suddenly become slow. Feel free to share this article with your friends and family to help them know these methods.

What Can I Do To Speed Up My Computer?
Computers can be notoriously slow, so how do you speed them up? There are some simple steps you can take to make your computer faster. Reduce the number of applications running in the background, uninstall software you don’t need, and use the task manager to see which applications are using up memory. Uninstalling unused software is a great way to free up space on your computer and will increase performance.
Why Is My Computer So Slow All Of A Sudden?
Recently, many people have begun to notice that their computer is not working the way it used to. This may be because of many reasons, but one cause can come from the computer running out of space for programs and data. To fix this issue, users should do a full system scan for malware or spyware that may be hogging up memory and slowing down your computer.
Is My Computer Broken?
Most of us take the internet and our computers for granted. They are a part of our lives and we use them often without even thinking about it. If we think something is wrong with them, we usually call a service person to help us out. It can be really hard to tell if your computer is bad or not until you know all the symptoms.
What Causes A Computer To Slow Down?
This process will discuss the most common reasons that your computer may be running slower than usual; malware, upgrades, and viruses. Malware is any type of malicious code designed to harm or damage your computer without permission, like spyware or adware. A virus is a type of malware that is self-replicating and can infect your computer by attaching itself to other files on your machine.
What Are Some Of The Most Common Causes For A Computer To Be Slow?
It’s easy to see how a computer can become slow and outdated with time. Computers work best when they are running the newest operating system and with the most up-to-date software, but as technology advances and creators come out with new models that keep them ahead of the curve, computers cannot keep up. On top of that, it has been found that computers can suffer from malware, such as viruses and spyware.
You may be experiencing one or more of these common causes for a computer to be slow: an overloaded hard drive, viruses, spyware, malware, and spyware. The first thing you can do is to take your computer’s temperature. This will tell you if the problem is because the machine is running too hot or not. You can also check your internet connection to make sure it isn’t stalled on any websites which may be slowing things down.