What can someone do with your SIM Card? The answer to this question is not as simple as you might think. It all depends on what type of SIM card it is and what the person has access to. For example, if they have access to a GSM network, then they can make calls without having the phone number associated with the SIM card. If they are using an LTE or 3G network then data theft could be possible but only if there isn’t a PIN code set up for that particular cell phone service provider. In this blog post, we will discuss what some of those risks are and how you can protect yourself from them!
If your SIM Card was stolen: The thief could use your account information including name, address, and credit card information to order a new phone service or sell your SIM Card for profit.
If you’re using a GSM network: The thief could make outgoing calls without having the number associated with the account set up on their cell phone.

How Do I Know If My SIM Card Is Being Used?
To find out, contact your cellular provider and ask them what they can see when it comes to usage of your mobile device from another source other than yourself. They may be able to tell you which numbers are currently being called as well as some of the call duration times so that you can determine who has been accessing your device!
The best thing to do in this situation is to talk to all three major wireless providers to see what they can do to help protect your account.
The thief could make outgoing calls without having the number associated with the account set up on their cell phone.
Can Someone Steal Information From A SIM Card?
Yes. The thief could steal information from the SIM card.
What Can You Do With Someone’s SIM Card Number?
What they can see when it comes to usage of your mobile device from another source other than yourself. They may be able to tell you which numbers are currently being called as well as some of the call duration times so that you can determine who has been accessing your device!
The best thing to do in this situation is to talk to all three major wireless providers to see what they can do to help protect your account.
What Happens If You Take Out Your SIM Card And Put It In Another Phone?
If you have a personal phone and someone else puts it in their account, the person with your SIM card can access all of your information.
Do not share your mobile device! Keep it private.
What Happens If You Take Out My SIM Card?
Your cellular service provider will charge an early termination fee to disconnect from the agreement that they had with you when you first signed up for data services. In addition, cell phones are tied into contracts through prepaid accounts so even without a contract, there is still a monthly fee associated with using them. If this goes over what was agreed upon at signup, then there could be additional fees on top of what was agreed upon as well as taxes depending on where in Canada they are.
If you have a locked phone, it will be impossible for someone to use the device unless they know your PIN code or password.
What Can I Do With My SIM Card?
You should never give away your mobile service-provider account information by sending an SMS message to another person without talking to them on the phone first and get their verbal agreement that this is what they want from you. If someone else puts it in their account, the person with your SIM card can access all of your information—including emails, text messages, and internet browsing history. You could find yourself targeted as a customer very easily if there are any errors found on credit cards or other personal banking accounts linked through text messaging services which would then allow anyone to apply for credit cards in your name and then use them.
What Can Someone Do With My SIM Card?
You should never give away your mobile service-provider account information by sending an SMS message to another person without talking to them on the phone first and getting their verbal agreement that this is what they want from you. If someone else puts it in their account, the person with your SIM card can access all of your information—including emails, texts messages and internet browsing history. You could find yourself targeted as a customer very easily if there are any errors found on credit cards or other personal banking accounts linked through text messaging services which would then allow anyone to apply for credit cards in your name and then use them.