If you’ve ever had trouble connecting to your neighbor’s Wi-Fi, you might have wondered if you could guess the password to connect. It turns out it’s not very hard to do so since most people choose easy-to-guess passwords and never change them from the factory defaults. The same applies to home networks. You can use cracking tools such as Aircrack-ng, John the Ripper, Kismet, and many more to guess the password.
This article will give tips on cracking the code and guessing your neighbor’s Wi-Fi password.
What is Wireless Network?
This is a network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes. Wireless networking is a method by which business installations, homes, and telecommunications networks avoid the costly task of introducing cables into a building or location.
�?Devices communicate with each other using small radio waves (or microwaves) in the unlicensed industrial, scientific, and medical frequency band. What are common types of wireless network? Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are two common types of wireless networks.
What is Wi-Fi? Wi-Fi stands for Wireless Fidelity; it has replaced traditional wired home internet service because it is cheaper to install, does not require wires, and operates faster than conventional wired internet services.
How to Access Wireless Network
Three things are needed to access a wireless network: the network’s name (SSID), the password for the network, and a device compatible with the network. You can find the SSID by looking at the router’s label or searching for it in your list of available networks.
The password is usually on the router’s label, but if it isn’t, you can try some common passwords like “password or 12345678.”
If those don’t work, you can always reset the router to its factory settings, which will usually restore the default password. Once you have all these things, you should be able to connect to the network and start using it!

Wireless Network Authentication
To join a wireless network, you must have proper authentication. This usually comes in the form of a password. While most people use simple passwords that are easy to remember, some opt for more complex ones that are harder to crack.
If you’re trying to connect to a neighbor’s Wi-Fi and don’t know the password, there are a few ways you can try to guess it. You’ll want to check if their router is broadcasting an SSID (Service Set Identifier). Most routers will broadcast their SSID so that users who aren’t connected can see it on their device and manually enter the correct information.
You’ll also want to check if they have any devices connected wirelessly. If they do, this means they haven’t changed the default username or password from when they first set up their wireless router or access point (AP). It’s also possible that your neighbor hasn’t secured their router at all.
Cracking WPA2
The most common type of Wi-Fi encryption is WPA2. To crack it, you’ll need a wordlist, which you can create or download online. Then, use a program like Aircrack-ng to run a dictionary attack on the handshake.
If that doesn’t work, you can try a brute force attack, which will take longer but is more likely to succeed. Run the Aircrack-ng command with -a 4 (choose from among four different types of algorithms) and -w (to specify your wordlist).
WPA/WPA2 Cracking Tools
�?Many tools are in the market to help you accomplish this goal; they include Kismet (Linux), FOCA (Windows), ettercap-gtk, or Airgeddon.
The easy way to avoid these attacks is to use an enterprise-level security suite like Microsoft’s NAP Agent, which incorporates advanced firewalls and intrusion detection systems.
WPA2 Authentication
The vast majority of home Wi-Fi routers use WPA2 authentication. That means there’s a good chance your neighbor’s router is using WPA2 as well. WPA2 uses a four-way handshake to authenticate devices to a Wi-Fi network.
This four-way handshake occurs after a device joins a network and authenticates its credentials. To do this, it will send an EAPOL message to start the process of connecting to a wireless network. When the AP (access point) receives this message, it will send back an acknowledgment packet.
Now that both sides have acknowledged each other, they will enter into the third step of this 4-step handshake: exchanging their encryption keys. Both sides then send encrypted messages decrypted by the other party with their secret key to prove they’re on the same page.
Finally, once both parties successfully decrypt these messages, they’ll exchange a key confirmation message confirming that both parties are ready to move on with establishing an encrypted connection between them.
WPA2 Weaknesses
WPA2, the current standard for Wi-Fi security, is vulnerable to several attacks that allow attackers to gain network access. The most common attack is called a brute force attack, which tries every possible combination of characters until it finds the right one.
Another attack, called a dictionary attack, uses a list of common words and passwords. Finally, there’s the man-in-the-middle attack, where an attacker intercepts communications between a device and the router.
When trying to connect to your neighbor’s wireless network, be sure they are using a strong password. If they’re not, you may be able to crack their password by connecting your laptop directly to their wireless router or using a smartphone app like Netcut or Angry IP Scanner.
Cracking WEP
If you’re trying to crack a WEP password, you’ll need a few things first:
- A wireless network adaptor that can support monitor mode
- A Linux machine
- The Aircrack-ng suite
- Some patience
Once you have all these tools, you can commence cracking the WEP password. You’ll need to put your adapter into monitor mode, capture some packets, and then use Aircrack-ng to crack the password. It doesn’t sound straightforward, but with a bit of time and effort, you can be successful.
WEP Weaknesses
WEP, or Wired Equivalent Privacy, is a security protocol for wireless networks. Unfortunately, it has several weaknesses that hackers can exploit. The most common attack is the dictionary attack, in which the hacker uses a list of common words and phrases to guess the WEP key.
�?Other attacks include the brute force attack, in which the hacker tries every possible combination of characters to find the right one, and the replay attack, in which the hacker captures data packets sent over the network and then retransmits them.
Use Password Cracking Tools to Guess the Password
There are several password cracking tools available online. The most popular include John the Ripper, Hydra, and Aircrack-ng. To use these tools, you’ll need a list of common passwords and a way to capture network traffic (like Wireshark). Once you have those, you can start trying to crack the code!
How to Crack Wi-Fi Passwords Using John the Ripper
John the Ripper is a potent password cracking tool that can be used to guess passwords for Wi-Fi networks. To use John, you’ll need a wordlist, which you can create by downloading a dictionary file or using a tool like Crunch.
Once you have your wordlist, open John and select the Wordlist attack type. Then, choose your dictionary file and start the attack. John will try every word in your list until it finds the correct password.
Cracking a Wi-Fi Password Using Aircrack-ng
Aircrack-ng is a popular program that can help you crack the code on a WEP or WPA-protected wireless network. First, you need to put your computer in monitor mode. This allows you to listen in on all of the wireless traffic in your area.
Next, you need to find the target network and capture some packets. Once you have enough packets, you can use Aircrack-ng to crack the password. The process can take five minutes to several hours, depending on how strong the password is. If you don’t want to wait for it to finish, you’ll have to resort to other methods.
Using Kismet (Linux)
Kismet is a Linux tool that will let you see all of the wireless networks in your area, including hidden ones. To use Kismet, first install it on your Linux machine. Then, open a terminal window and run the following command: Kismet -c wlan0mon
This will ready your wireless card and put it into monitor mode so that Kismet can see all the traffic. Next, open up a web browser and go to http://localhost:2501. This will bring up the Kismet web interface.
Click on the View Networks tab to see a list of all the wireless networks in your area. At the top left corner of this screen, you’ll notice three tabs for Channels, APs, and Clients. The Channel tab shows your neighbors’ channels that broadcast their signals (most likely 2.4GHz).
The APs tab lists all access points around you with their MAC address, the channel they’re broadcasting on, signal strength, and more.
The Clients tab will show any clients connecting to these access points (most likely other people with Wi-Fi cards). You may want to check out how much information each client on this page has–it may help if you need a password cracker for figuring out your neighbor’s Wi-Fi password!
Use Brute Force Cracking Method
This method tries every possible combination of characters until it finds the right one. It’s simple but time-consuming, so you’ll need patience. You can use a program like Aircrack-ng or Hashcat to do this. First, install Aircrack-ng and configure your wireless card with monitor mode. Monitor mode is essential because it captures all packets passing through your network adapter.
How to Secure Wireless Networks from Attacks
- Change the default password on your router.
- Don’t use easily guessed words like “password” or your street name.
- Create a long, complex password that includes numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.
- Please don’t write your password down where others can see it.
- Change your password regularly.
- Use a VPN or encrypted connection when working on public Wi-Fi networks.
- Keep your router’s firmware up to date.
The Bottom Line
Guessing your neighbor’s Wi-Fi password is possible. All it requires are a few tools and a little patience. If the password is simple, you can guess it outright. However, if it is complex, you must use cracking tools such as Aircrack-ng or Kismet to guess the password. Nevertheless, remember that guessing someone’s Wi-Fi password is unethical.
Reference 1: https://www.guru99.com/how-to-hack-wireless-networks.html Reference 2: https://www.pcmag.com/how-to/how-to-hack-wi-fi-passwords