The Apple Company is known for manufacturing iPhones, iPads, iPods, and much more. It introduced the Apple Watch, a small wearable computing device that users wear on their wrists. The watch was introduced in September 2014, and it is a powerhouse of fitness and health tracking. It doesn’t matter if users have the latest Series 7, the Apple Watch SE, or an older watch that operates with watch OS 8; the workout and activity app is where the tracking is recorded. Unfortunately, the Apple activity App can’t work without a watch.
The Apple Company designed the activity app to track daily steps, active minutes, and time spent standing and ensures that the user isn’t passive. The activity statistics will be inside the Fitness app on the users’ iPhones if they use the latest software on their phones and smartwatch.�?
The workout app is for running, swimming, cycling, gym classes, and other activities that get a user’s heart racing. The app shows the user how many calories have been burnt and their performance. The Apple Company has evolved these applications to track users’ daily activities and exercise.
How Does the Apple Watch Work?
The Apple company designed the watch to pair or connect with another Apple iOS device such as iPhone to push Apple Watch-specific content to the device. Users will require an iPhone 5 or a newer version connected to the smartwatch to access the Apple Watch’s full set of features.
The Apple Watch is available in three styles: a stainless-steel standard version, an 18k gold Apple watch edition, and an Apple Watch Sport model. The watches can be in two sizes, either 38mm or 42mm.
Apple Watch Activity App
The activity app is the fitness tracking component of the Apple Watch and keeps tabs on whether users are getting enough exercise daily. It is different from other activity trackers by dispensing step goals; instead, the Apple Watch has three targets: move, exercise, and stand. There is a ring for each target that fills to mark the users’ goal process.
The Move Ring Goal
The move goal is effectively the users’ step goal but measures the active calories. Users can fill the ring by moving around and elevating their heart rate. Sometimes, it can be tricky because the Apple Watch sets the target based on users’ daily average, so it will be tough for active people to fill the ring than more sedentary types.�?
Maybe the user records seven hundred and fifty calories per day on day one and gradually increases it. However, users can set their own move goals.
How to Change the Move Goal on Apple Watch
The move ring is red and shows how many calories a user burns daily. Sometimes users find it hard to complete the goals, although there is a way to adjust the Move goal. It can be done by:
- On the Apple Watch, users should press the digital crown, the physical button on the side, to launch the app drawer.
- Users tap on the Activity App with the rings to open up and view the rings.
- The screen will display the rings, and users press down firmly on the screen to show options to glimpse the weekly summary or change the move goal.�?
- Users tap the change move goal option, and it will show a screen that will display the current move goal in numeric form. It is the active calorie number.
- Users should tap on the positive or negative besides increasing or decreasing the active calorie number.
- Tap Update, and the new move goal has been set and saved.
The Exercise Ring Goal
The ring records a specific kind of Activity. According to the Apple company, exercising is as good as taking a brisk walk or more that consistently raises the users’ heart rate. It monitors the heart rate and the movement data to ensure that the user is exercising, and users can track their workouts without using the workout app on the Apple Watch.�?
Users can feed workout data in the activity app by using third-party workout apps that support the feature. You can use all the workout app features while still filling the exercise ring. The exercise ring is yellow and green.
According to the World Health Organization’s advice, everyone should do half an hour of exercise per day, which accumulates to one hundred and fifty minutes per week. That means everyone should exercise at least five days out of seven days. Users cannot change the exercise goal on their Watch because thirty minutes is mandatory.�?
The Stand Ring Goal
The Apple Watch cannot stand users sitting down, and it will remind you ten minutes before every hour. The great news is that users only need to stand and walk around for one minute in an hour to satisfy the Apple Watch. Doing this twelve hours a day, the user has hit their goal. Unfortunately, users cannot change the stand goal.�?
Each ring has a different color than the user needs to fill, and the app is accessible from the Watch and iPhone. Users can view their earned achievements, and the days they worked out, indicated by a yellow dot. It also depicts heart rate and heart rate recovery.
Health, Workout, and Activity Apps
The Health, Workout and Activity apps are independent and have different functions but work together to offer a detailed picture of users’ overall health.
Health App
The application is the central source for all the Apple devices’ information about a users’ health. The data includes the Apple Watch’s activity data, including Stand, Exercise, and Move data.
With the users’ permission, the app accepts all data from third-party apps, and it also lets the app import their health data to help better them tailor workouts to the user. As long as users grant access to read and write data to any third-party apps of their choice, the information they provide will become part of their overall health.
Workout App
It is an in-built app that comes in every Apple Watch and is a default app for tracking workouts and exists solely on the Watch. It feeds information from the app to the Health app on users’ iPhones and covers all activities, including indoor and outdoor walks. The data is then recorded in the exercise ring.
Activity App
The Activity app exists both on the Apple Watch and iPhone, and the application keeps detailed records of daily activities, although more on the phone than the Watch. Using the iPhone app, users explore their Activities for each day that they have worn the Watch and get breakdowns of how and when they have burnt calories.�?
It shows exact details of each workout, and users can explore past achievements and future achievements yet to come.�?
How to Set Up Activity on Users’ Apple Watch

Users sync the Apple Watch and will have a chance to set up Activities through their iPhone. It is done by:
- Launching the Activity App from their iPhone’s home screen.
- Select Set Up Activity.
- Feed-in their personal information.
- Select continue.
- Set their daily goal move.
- Select set move goal.
The Apple Watch sends notifications weekly to users, updating them on how many times they have hit their goals. It will recommend a new goal irrespective of whether the user achieves them easily or has to struggle.�?
Once users’ have got the Activity set up, there is a lot they can do with it, whether it’s keeping track of fitness goals or sharing their workouts with others for friendly competition. Scrolling down the rings enables users to view their progress for each Activity in a percentage, weekly summaries, the incremental steps, and the distance and floors they climbed. The latter is only viewable with Apple Watch models that have an altimeter.
How can Users’ Set Up and Use Activity Sharing?
Some people like to work out with friends or relatives, and at times they like to compete as well, so they can use the Activity App. It is simple, and all users have to do is enable sharing on their iPhone and Apple Watch, which allows other users to view their progress, compare, and challenge themselves to work out harder.�?
Users can swipe right from the Activity App to the sharing screen, and from here, they can invite a friend at the bottom. They can choose a contact from the list. The app will show the everyday ring progress of the contacts that will accept their invitation.
How can Users Customize Notifications for the Activity App on Apple Watch?
The Activity App sends hourly alerts reminding users to stand up, get moving and do a little more exercise to meet their goals. Sometimes, users are in a situation where it isn’t possible to stand and move around for a few minutes in an hour; hence users can silence the reminders for a day or any specified time.