Every office/home needs a fast and dependable internet connection in today’s world. However, technical improvements and developments are not without drawbacks. Several users have complained about their internet speed dropping to 5.5 Mbps on multiple occasions. You might be dominating the latest online game while streaming a movie one minute and unable to load a basic webpage the next.
A stable internet connection may make all the difference whether you’re using a distant application from your smartphone or working from home and conducting online meetings and conferences. There are several reasons why a previously solid connection may suddenly drop to 5.5mbps. It’s critical to address fluctuating internet connections and overcome unpredictable Wi-Fi speeds if you rely on Wi-Fi for your home network.
This article clarifies the foremost common reasons your net keeps dropping to 5.5 Mbps and some easy fixes that you can apply to fix the problem.
What Defines A Decent Download Speed?
For most homes, a suitable download speed is 10 Mbps per person. Of course, what constitutes a good download speed for you is highly dependent on your online activities and the number of devices connected to your home network. 10 Mbps is sufficient for a smooth online experience for basic web browsing and email.
On the other hand, video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu are among consumers’ most bandwidth-intensive activities. If you desire to avoid the troubles of buffering, you’ll need a download speed that can do some heavy lifting if you have many TVs streaming movies and iPads streaming YouTube. The suitable speed, in this case, proves 5.5 Mbps is below the optimum rate needed.
Reasons Why Your Internet Keeps Dropping To 5.5 Mbps
1. Wrong Wi-Fi Network
Your device may unintentionally connect to the wrong network if two areas have unprotected Wi-Fi networks with the same name. A mistake like this would cause many issues, including frequent Wi-Fi disconnects and reconnects as the device switches from one to the other.
In this scenario, the device loses connectivity if the incorrect network gets switched off, even though the original network is still operational. Furthermore, your device may encounter troubles if the other network is experiencing bandwidth challenges.

2. Broken Cables
One of the several common causes of frequent internet connection drops is loose or damaged wires. Many internet problems get caused by cables connecting your router and modem. The device may not provide consistent performance and an excellent internet experience if the cables are outdated or damaged.
Examine the cable connection for any flaws in the wires that link the components. In most circumstances, disconnecting and re-plugging the cords should solve the problem.
However, they may need to be changed to maintain a solid connection. Internal deterioration in cables cannot get detected by physical examination; thus, replacing them at regular intervals is smart enough to avoid any problems.
3. Network Overload
Even if your home network and gear get set correctly to minimize interference, network interference might still cause issues. Because the available bandwidth for each device is restricted if you have limited bandwidth, too many devices connected to the same network simultaneously might create a dip in your internet.
�?When your devices don’t have enough bandwidth, you may have trouble watching movies or opening websites, and you may see the device connecting and disconnecting now and then as it tries to stay connected to the network. When numerous devices stream or download files simultaneously, the problem gets more serious.
4. Obsolete Drivers And Software
Another typical explanation for a dip in internet speed is that your computer’s drivers are out of the current. Drivers get used by each device that connects to a Wi-Fi network, and they might become damaged or outdated over time. When computer drivers become obsolete, they can result in various wireless issues, including network drops.
5. Problem With Internet Service Provider
An issue with the internet service provider is one of the most prevalent causes of a sudden internet drop. It’s pointless to figure out what’s wrong or what you can do about it if your ISP has a problem. You need to call your provider’s support team and report the issue. To enhance your internet performance, your ISP should fix the problem.
How Should You Fix The Situation?
1. Place The Router In A Centralized Location And Elevate It
The location of your router in your home is crucial. If you put your router in the distant reaches of your house, you’ll probably get a poor (or no) signal on the other end.
A router should be placed to the center of your home, in an open space away from other gadgets, with maximum visibility. The more walls, doors, and other impediments close to your router, the more likely it is that anything will interfere with your signal.
It’s also good to maintain the router at an increased elevation because routers propagate signals downward. If it’s lying low or on the floor, you’re not getting the most out of it.
2. Adjust The Antennae.
Antennas are available in two types: internal and exterior. If your router has two external antennae, consider placing one vertically and the other horizontally, perpendicular to each other.
According to Alf Watt, a former Apple Wi-Fi developer, the connection between the router and your gadget is best when the receiver and transmitter are on the same level. Vertical antennas are found on some devices, whereas horizontal antennas are on others. The wireless reception gets enhanced by having two antennas positioned perpendicularly.
It will require experimentation if your router has one or an internal antenna. Try putting the antenna (or the complete router) vertically and horizontally to see if one option works better than the other.
3. Create A Secure Wireless Network�?
Although it may seem self-evident to some, many networks are left unprotected. Users that siphon from open networks and hoard bandwidth by streaming films or downloading huge files are not just a possible threat to that network’s users; they may also cause significant slowdowns of up to 5.5mbps
Navigate to your router’s IP address in a browser and sign in using the default credentials. This navigation varies by manufacturer, but it’s usually pretty easy to discover, either on the router’s bottom or in the device handbook. Choose WPA2 as your encryption technique and a memorable password.
Only let people you trust onto your network with this password.
4. Use Heat Mapping Software�?
This program will show you how your home’s Wi-Fi heat map appears and how much coverage each room receives. You may then adjust your router, antennae, or powerline network adapters based on this information to eliminate particularly troublesome locations.
5. Change The Frequency To 5GHz
The frequency on which your router works is a problem you may not have considered earlier. You probably skimmed over the selection box that allowed you to pick between 2.4GHz and 5GHz if you took it out of the box, installed it, and never looked back.
The 2.4GHz airwaves may get pretty busy if you have a lot of equipment in your house. In the 2.4GHz range, Bluetooth devices, wireless peripherals, and even certain microwaves generate a lot of noise.
Consider setting your router to 5GHz in the administrator panel to reduce noise and drop-offs. If both 2.4GHz and 5GHz are available, use the latter.
6. Select A Less Congested Channel�?
If you are a resident in a congested area or an apartment where you share a lot of signal space with your neighbors, using the proper channel can help reduce interference and speed things up a little.
For starters, the 2.4GHz spectrum’s channels 1, 6, and 11 are the most commonly utilized since they are the only three channels that do not overlap. If you’ve converted to 5GHz, you’ll have access to a plethora of channels. The number of channels available varies by model.
To monitor adjacent Wi-Fi signals and identify which channels get utilized the most, use an app like Wi-Fi Analyzer for Android or WifiInfoView for Windows. This feature has already got incorporated into the Mac. Pick Open Wireless Diagnostics while holding the options tab and clicking the Wi-Fi symbol in the menu bar.
It’s also worth noting that many modern routers will automatically select the least congested channel when rebooted; thus, unplugging the router may also change the channel.
7. Consider Upgrading Your Router�?
If you’re paying for fast home Internet but don’t feel like you’re getting your money’s worth because of the many internet drops to 5.5mbps, your router may be acting as a limitation.
It’s likely time to upgrade your router if it’s been many years since you bought it. Many routers�?five or more years old cannot handle newer technologies, such as Internet speeds exceeding 100Mbps, because wireless and Internet technology has evolved significantly in the recent decade.
The most straightforward technique to figure out if your router is the problem is to search up the model number and match its specifications to your ISP’s Internet plan.
8. As A Last Option, Contact Your Internet Service Provider
If everything else fails, reach out to your Internet service provider. Yes, it’s probably one of the most inconvenient things you can do with your time, but it might save you hours, days, or even weeks of annoyance in the future.
If you’ve updated your Internet plan and are utilizing gear provided by your service provider, they can assist you in getting the correct hardware.
Fast internet is fantastic, but to prevent paying for bandwidth that you won’t utilize, choose an internet provider that fulfills your maximum speed requirements. If you pay for a better internet connection yet, it continues dropping to 5.5 Mbps; look into the concerns outlined on this page.