The Macintosh or Mac is a personal computer designed, manufactured, and sold by Apple Inc. since January 1984.macOS is the operating system that is used on every Mac computer. macOS is different from the Windows operating system so the operating procedure is also not the same as the Windows computer. If you have experience of using a Windows computer but never used a Mac computer before then you might find it a bit difficult to operate a Mac computer like opening a new folder, deleting a folder, moving files from one folder to another, etc. These processes are very simple. Read this article to know how to create a new folder on Mac.
How To Create a New Folder On Mac
In a Mac computer, all types of files like documents, pictures, music, apps, etc. are organized in folders. So if you want to keep your Mac organized then you have to create a new folder according to your needs and store files on them. Creating a new folder is very easy on Mac. Here are the steps:
1. First, on your Mac computer, click on the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window
2. Then navigate to where you want to create the folder, or
3. If you want to create a new folder on Desktop then click on the desktop
4. Now hold down the control key on your keyboard, click in empty space
5. Then choose file and then select New Folder, or
6. Press Shift-Command-N to create a new folder
7. If the New Folder command is turned down then you can’t create a folder in the current location
8. Finally, give a name to the folder and then press Enter on your keyboard when you’re done
How To Move Items Into New Folders
Now that you know how to open a new folder, it’s time to know how you can move files to your new folder. You can easily move items to a new folder. Follow these simple instructions:
1. First, on your Mac computer, click on the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window
2. Now do any of the following steps:
a) Drag an item and put it on the folder
b) Select several items then drag one of the items to the folder and all the selected items will be moved
c) Select an item and then press and hold the Option key, then drag the item to the folder to keep the file in the original folder and make a copy for the new folder
d) Select an item and then press and hold the Option and Command keys together then drag the item to the new folder to create the alias
e) Select an item and then press Command-D to create a duplicate copy of an item within the same folder
How To Quickly Group Multiple Items Into A New Folder
You can quickly select a few files, apps, etc., and group them into a new folder. Now follow the simple steps:
1. First, select the items that you want to group into a new folder
2. Now Control-click one of the selected items, then choose New Folder with Selection
3. If the New Folder command is turned down then you can’t create a folder in the current location
4. Finally, give a name to the folder and then press Enter on your keyboard when you’re done
How To View Mac’s ~/Library Folder
1. First, click on the Finder icon in the Dock from your Mac computer to open a Finder window
2. Now navigate to your user folder
3. Then click on the Go menu
4. After that hold down the Option (Alt) key
5. Now you will see the drop-down menu
6. Generally, the Library appears below Home so click on it
How To See Hidden Files Using Terminal
With the Terminal command-line interface, you can easily view the hidden files of your Mac computer. Here are the steps to follow:
1. First, go to the applications and from the utility, folder open the Terminal
2. Now copy and paste the command: defaults write true
3. Then press Enter on your keyboard
4. Again type: kill all Finder
5. You will see the hidden files of your Mac computer
Final Thoughts
If you are having trouble creating a new folder on the Mac computer, then leave your message in the comment section. Our experts will provide the solutions as soon as possible. Make sure you share this article with your friends and family if you think this article can help them.

How Do I Create A New Folder In Mac OS X?
Many Apple users are frustrated with how they need to create new folders on their computers. This is especially true on the Mac OS X operating system. With the introduction of Apple’s new iCloud service, this changed slightly because new folders can now be created on any of your devices that have access to iCloud storage. Before you can begin creating a new folder, open Finder by clicking on the magnifying glass in the top left-hand corner of your screen.
Another way If you want to create a new folder on your Mac, there are two quick ways to do it. The method is the easiest and most intuitive way to create a folder, however, it requires using the mouse. Start by clicking on the Finder icon in the Dock to open the Finder app.
How Do I Create A New Folder In Finder On My Mac?
Finder is a window that contains all the files and folders on your computer, but sometimes you need to create a new folder for organizing your work. Fortunately, the process of creating a new folder in Finder on a Mac is super easy. Here’s how:
Open Finder from the dock or from an App.
On the upper left side of the screen, you will see the “Go” menu. Click on it and select “New Folder.
How Do I Open A Folder On My Mac?
Have you ever wondered how to open a folder on your Mac?
There are many ways to find and open folders on Mac OS X, but two of the most popular are through the Finder window and the Dock.
The Finder window is accessed by clicking on its icon in the Dock or on the desktop. You will then be able to browse for folders that are currently on your computer.
How Do I Create A New Folder On My Mac Using Keyboard Shortcuts?
Creating a new folder on your Mac is easier than you think. With these few simple keyboard shortcuts, you’ll be able to create a new folder in mere seconds!
First, make sure the folder icon does not have a label by clicking on it if necessary. Next, enter this prefix: “command shift N”. Now type the name of the new folder and press enter.
How Do I Create A New Folder In The Cloud On Mac?
How do I create a new folder in the cloud on Mac? This is a question many people ask as they prepare to start working with their new Mac.�?
You can create folders on your Mac just as you would any other computer or laptop, but you’ll have to sync them with iCloud Drive. Open Finder and click on iCloud Drive. In the sidebar, click New Folder.