How To Connect Desktop To Wi-Fi Without An Adapter

Unlike laptops, specific desktop computers may not come with built-in wireless connectivity. Most individuals use Wi-Fi adapters or dongles, or even cables to connect their PC to the internet. But what if you don’t have access to a Wi-Fi network? The real kicker is that you don’t need an adapter to connect your computer to Wi-Fi, as I’ll explain later in this article.

How To Connect Your Desktop To Wi-Fi Using Your Android Mobile Phone

Here’s how to use your smartphone to connect your PC to Wi-Fi:

1Using a USB cord, connect your smartphone to your computer. You may utilize the charging wire from your phone. If the connection is successful, your computer will make a notification sound.

2. If you haven’t done so before, turn on your phone’s Wi-Fi.

3. Go to your phone’s settings.

4. Look for and enable USB tethering. It’s under Connections > Mobile Hotspot and Tethering in the screenshots. Because your phone may differ, search for “USB tethering.”

5. The USB tethering symbol is now visible in your phone’s notification drawer.

6. Examine your taskbar to determine if the desktop icon has taken the place of the Wi-Fi sign. If it is, your desktop PC has been successfully connected to Wi-Fi using your smartphone.

Connect Your Computer To Your Android Mobile Hotspot Via Bluetooth

You may also connect to the internet by tethering your PC to your smartphone through Bluetooth.

Pair both devices, and then configure your computer to use Bluetooth to connect to the network. Follow the instructions that came with your device because they may differ.

• Go to Settings > Connections > Mobile Hotspot and Tethering on your phone.�?

Tethering through Bluetooth is enabled by default.

How To Set Up An iPhone Mobile Hotspot On Your Computer

You may use a 3G or 4G data connection on your iPhone for the personal Hotspot network sharing function to share your internet connection and surf online.

Personal hotspot lets you use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or USB to tether and share a cellular data connection with other nearby devices. Your iPhone serves as a wireless router for your PC and other devices in this manner:

You’ll need an iPhone 4 or a newer device running iOS 4.3 or later versions, as well as a data plan that supports Personal Hotspot or tethering, to utilize the Personal Hotspot function.�?

1. The first step is to check sure your data plan includes Personal Hotspot. Major carriers automatically provide it, while some charge for it or have it as part of their unlimited data plans.

2. Contact your carrier or go to Settings on your iPhone and hit Personal hotspot under Cellular to see if it is included.

3. Next, go to Settings > Personal Hotspot on your iPhone and enable Personal Hotspot.

4. Activate the Personal Hotspot switch to turn it on, and then write down the Wi-Fi password you’ll need to connect your computer to the hotspot. When you enable Personal Hotspot, you may be requested to turn on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both.

5. If you have a Macbook, you may use Instant Hotspot and Personal Hotspot to access the internet without typing in the password. Before doing so, make sure your iPhone is logged into iCloud with the same Apple ID as your Mac computer and that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are turned on.

6. Select Wi-Fi status from the menu and select the name of your iPhone to connect your Mac to the iPhone hotspot.

7. Return to iPhone Settings > Personal Hotspot and turn on the Allow others to join option to connect to the iPhone’s hotspot without inputting the password.

8. Select the iPhone’s name from the list of networks on other computers, then enter the password shown on the iPhone’s Personal Hotspot screen.

9. A blue bar appears on the lock screen and at the top of the phone’s screen when your computer gets connected to the iPhone hotspot. For iOS 7 and above versions, the blue bar will show an interlocking loops icon or a number next to a lock indicating the number of devices linked to it. Using the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone drains data from your monthly data allocation, same as using an Android hotspot, whether you use it with one or several devices.

Other Ways To Connect Your Desktop With Wi-Fi

1. Install An Internal Wi-Fi Card

You may also install a Wi-Fi card on your desktop PC. This installation involves taking apart your computer and inserting a specialized internal Wi-Fi card in a PCI Express, PCI Express Mini, or similar slot. If your PC is made to open rapidly and has room for an expansion card, this should work fine.

The benefit of an internal Wi-Fi card versus a USB cable is that the internal version can have a larger antenna that sticks out the back of your computer, perhaps enabling better reception.

An integrated Wi-Fi card might cost anywhere from $15 and $35 on Amazon. Before you buy one, make sure your computer has a free slot of the right type and that you’re comfortable installing it yourself. If you can readily access your computer, shutting it down should take a few minutes, open the case, insert the card (and secure it with a screw), close the case, and start up.

When you complete the process, your computer will connect to Wi-Fi in the same way that a typical laptop can. However, you may need to install the drivers that come with your Wi-Fi device.

How To Connect Desktop To Wi-Fi Without An Adapter

2. Use Your Laptop To Share Wi-Fi

Here’s how you can use your laptop to connect your PC to wireless internet:

1. To begin, switch on your laptop and ensure that it gets linked to your wireless network.

2. Go to the control panel and choose ‘network and internet’ from the drop-down menu.

3. After that, select the first option, ‘network and sharing center.’

4. You’ll notice various options on the left. Choose the option that says ‘modify adapter settings.’

5. Right-click on the wireless network that gets connected to your laptop.

6. A popup will appear, displaying the Wi-Fi characteristics. Select the sharing tab at the top of the page

7. Then, check the box labeled “enable other network users to connect over the computer’s internet connection.”

8. Now, use an ethernet wire to connect your laptop and PC.

Your computer will detect the connection, and you will browse the internet.

However, you may need to pick the ethernet option after connecting the connection in some circumstances. Select Bridge Connections from the context menu by right-clicking on this.

Reasons Why You Should Not Use Wi-Fi Adapters

1. Speed Limits On Access

The connection speeds of adapters are limited by different parameters as indicated by Internet Service Providers. Depending on the nature of their online business, this element of rate limitation may or may not benefit various persons who require a high internet connection. Adapters may be complex for people who want high speeds, especially while live streaming or downloading huge files from the internet.

2. Connection To The Internet Is Unstable

The strength of the network plays an integral part in the usage of adapters, and it differs from one location to the next. Users may find adapters inconvenient to use in regions with weak 3G network connections, such as situations where huge buildings impede the network or when the ground is low. Users may get forced to research the available signal strength in their workplaces before obtaining a cable to ensure they can use the gadget without encountering slow speeds.

3. There Will Be No Traffic Maintenance

When utilizing adapters, there are times when the network goes down, and consumers may need to call their internet providers for help. ISPs, on the other hand, are powerless to aid in such situations, and consumers only get compelled to alter their physical locations to acquire better signals on their adapters.

�?Adapters are inconvenient for users who need to be online because of the absence of traffic maintenance.

You can get the most fantastic adapter offers at various stores for home or business usage. Before picking among the several available options, you need to consider how you will use your device and the speeds you will need to access the internet.�?

4. They Offer A Limited Number Of Configurable Options.

Adapters’ main selling feature is that they are relatively easy to set up, which means that most people can buy them on Amazon, plug them in, and they are ready to go.

This feature, however, is a two-edged sword. There may be a lot of Wi-Fi networks in some settings, such as a block of flats, and some frequencies may get congested. When too many individuals are on the same frequency, signal difficulties and interference might occur, making your Wi-Fi sluggish. Typically, this issue may get rectified by switching frequencies; unfortunately, many adapters do not offer this option, so you’re left with a device that performs poorly.


It is occasionally vital to have a Wi-Fi connection for your PC. You could need it if you don’t want to rely on adapters.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a USB adapter. The methods discussed above will allow you to connect your desktop computer to a Wi-Fi network without the use of an adaptor.

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