Building A PC VS. Buying A Readymade PC – Which Is Cheaper?

The face-off between buying a new PC and building your own is a hard one to decide. Both options are great, but you must be wary of a few issues before selecting a suitable choice. All that matters is the cost of the end product, but it depends on how you look at that cost. Suppose you are worried about the initial cost of acquiring your computer, then buying a readymade PC suit you better. However, if you are focused on the long-term cost, including maintenance and upgrades, you better choose to build your PC from scratch and customize it to your liking.

Readymade PC Or Building Your Own – Which Way To Go?

Choosing the best computer that resonates with your tasks is a strenuous exercise. It demands a lot of research that might eat much of your time. If you opt to buy a readymade one or go for components and assemble your own at the end of the day, you have made the right step according to your taste.

But wait a minute! Which is the ideal option? Well, as the adage goes, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder! The route to follow depends entirely on you. However, your choice must be driven by particular needs.

Whichever option you choose comes with merits and demerits. Let’s walk you through the two options and guide you in making an informed choice.

A Detailed Comparison Between Buying And Building A PC

Acquiring a readymade computer is a secure way to perform your chores quickly. However, this option comes with a few limitations, especially in components and other minor factors that might haunt you soon.

Nonetheless, if the quality is your main concern, building a PC is the best route to follow. In this case, you are assured of quality components, and you can customize your computer to your satisfaction. The entire building process might prove costly as components can be expensive. You are equally prone to make errors that will skyrocket the cost if not careful.

Regardless of the route you choose to follow, several factors must come into play to determine suitability. Do you wish to understand everything about buying vs. building a PC? Stick to this page as we walk with you and guide you to your desired choice.

Factors That Inform The Choice Between Building And Buying A Readymade PC

Regardless of whether you buy or build your PC, it is crucial to understand your new computer’s use. Different computer specifications are ideal for different uses. For instance, if your computer is for gaming, it must come with a specific resolution, downloading speed, frames per second (FPS), and storage size.

Several other factors are vital in informing the PC that will serve you better. Below are some of the factors:

1. CPU Power

Whether you are building or buying a pre-built PC, the CPU’s power (Computer Processing Unit) is an important aspect. The CPU’s power has a direct relationship with the computer’s power.

 The CPU’s power is measured in clock speed, and it is represented in GHz (Gigahertz). To be precise, the higher the clock speed, the higher the powers of the processor are. The average speed of modern CPUs ranges between 3 to 4GHz. 

2. Storage Size

The storage size is measured in Gigabytes (GB) or Terabytes (TB). It simply refers to the number of files, programs, and various Media you can successfully install on your computer. The essential component that stores your files on a PC is the hard drive, and you can upgrade it with ease.

Generally, it goes without saying that the higher the number of Gigabytes or Terabytes, the more storage you have on your PC. However, there are impressive alternatives to storage in this technological era, such as external storage and cloud.

3. GPU Power 

GPU is an acronym for Graphics Processing Unit. The Computer’s GPU plays a vital role, just like the CPU. Same as the CPU, you can measure the Computer’s GPU by using the clock speed. However, you can’t talk of the GPU without mentioning the VRAM (Video Random Access Memory) in the same breath.

A computer’s VRAM determines the amount of memory of the GPU, and it determines its strength. Generally, the higher the VRAM, the more powerful the GPU is.

If you want to use your PC in gaming and other graphics-related activities, ensure you have the most potent GPU.

4. Random Access Memory (RAM)

The Random Access Memory stores the entire data currently in use in a computer. RAM is easily upgraded, though there are limitations. Your computer’s motherboard is the sole component determining the amount of RAM you can upgrade in your PC.

A computer with expansive RAM performs multiple functions simultaneously with ease. Most computers in the market boast a RAM of 8-16GB.

RAM VS. CPU – Which One Should You Prioritize When Building Or Buying a CP?

A computer equipped with a powerful processor will efficiently perform tasks such as streaming and running several programs. Alternatively, sufficient RAM ensures that you multitask and run complex programs efficiently. So, prioritizing depends on what you intend to do with your computer.

Before deciding on the best RAM or CPU suitable for your PC, ensure that the two are compatible. The two components are supposed to work together seamlessly. For instance, it will be useless to pair a 32GB RAM with an entry-level CPU with less clock speed. Always ensure that your RAM’s speed is sufficient for the power and speed of the CPU.

Merits Of Building A PC

Suppose you achieve your goal of assembling a PC successfully; the resulting feeling is satisfactory. The machine you have built with your two hands will exude excellent power and serve you optimally as you could have used quality materials and customized it to your liking.

Before you embark on building your PC, here are the advantages and disadvantages associated with the process:


1. Better Quality

Are you a DIY (Do It Yourself) enthusiast craving peak performance from your PC? Well, the ultimate way to ensure you have a powerful machine to match your ambitions is to build your own. Doing it yourself allows you to handpick quality components that provide optimal performance for your device.

Remember that you have absolute control of the internal components of your computer; hence the overall quality of your machine must be impressive. Most readymade computers come with quality CPUs and GPUs, but other components are often substandard.

2. Easy And Cheap To Fix

When building a PC, you familiarize yourself with its components; thus, fixing it when a part fails becomes easier.

When you buy components for computer building, they usually come with added spare parts, meaning you might be able to repair your computer without incurring the extra spare cost.

3. Durable

You might have realized that the initial cost of building a PC is expensive, especially if you go for quality components. However, the route might be cheaper at long-last as you are assured of an extended lifespan due to the superior interior parts of your machine.


1. Expensive Upfront Cost

The process of buying individual components to build a CP might prove costly. This becomes problematic, especially when you order for limited quantities that must eat into your pocket to cater for the shipping cost.

2. Challenging And Time-Consuming

PC building can be rewarding, but we must accept that it poses numerous challenges and consumes much time. Even an experienced computer builder is prone to errors that might balloon your expenses and cost you more time.

Advantages Of Buying A Readymade PC

Suppose you are undecided whether to purchase a prefabricated computer, here are some reasons that can nudge you:

1. Easy To Set Up

A prefabricated computer is readily assembled for you to plug into the power source and start doing your tasks. In some instances, pre-built CPs have some software installed, thus saving you money.

2. Affordable

Manufacturers buy components in bulky, subsequently cutting down the final cost of the prefabricated computer as companies offer discounts on their products.

3. Speedy Delivery

Unlike individual components that take time to track, a pre-built computer is easy to deliver as it comes as one complete unit.

Disadvantages Of Buying A Prefabricated PC

Here are some of the reasons that can dissuade you from buying a pre-built CP:

1. Substandard Quality

Most manufacturers use substandard components in non-important areas, hence why pre-built computers are cost-effective. The only parts that most computer makers pay attention to are the CPU and GPU. However, other components such as the hard drive and power supply might be substandard.

2. Costly Repairs

Repairing a prefabricated CP is a costly affair as you don’t know precisely where the issue is. In most cases, the entire computer is serviced, hence more expenses.

The Bottom Line

Which way is better, Building or Buying a prefabricated PC? The choice depends on you. Both methods are great, but whichever you choose depends on the primary purpose of the computer. Kindly explore the advantages and disadvantages discussed on this page and make an informed decision on the best route that will serve you better. 

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