You can wear your Apple Watch with the face inside or outside your wrist, depending on your preference. While the Apple Watch is designed to be worn inside the wrist, many users choose to wear it outside the wrist due to personal preference or comfort issues. However, other factors may need to be considered when deciding how to wear your Apple Watch. Read on to know what some of these considerations are.
Reasons to Wear Your Apple Watch with the Face Inside of Your Wrist
The face of your watch should always be on the inside of your wrist, where it’s protected. For example, if you wear your watch on your left arm, the face should be on the inside of your wrist and not visible to people you pass by.
This also protects it from getting scratched or damaged when using a phone or pen. It also prevents light from coming through the screen and causing glare, making it difficult for you to read what is on display.
If the watch is turned around so that its back faces outwards, scratches may accumulate easily over time.
There are several options on how you can wear your watch: You can have one strap go over your hand and another go around your wrist like a bangle bracelet, use one strap for both hands like a sports band, or wrap both straps around just one hand like a leather cuff or even use two bands as double-wraps.
Most People Wear Their Watch Outside the Wrist
For some people, wearing their watch with the face inside their wrist is a natural fit. For others, it might feel like an uncomfortable stretching. For those who wear watches on the outside of their wrists and want to switch to putting them on the inside, consider switching your orientation when you sleep so that you are used to having your watch on that side of your body during sleep.
For those who wear watches on the inside and want to switch to putting them on the outside, try placing your arm out in front of you and let gravity stretch out your wrist; if this feels more comfortable than taking off all jewelry for a night or two, then it may be worth switching positions for day-to-day use.
Keep in mind that if you have a watchband that has a clasp at one end (like an old-school flip style), it will need to be positioned at the top of your wrist when worn on the inside and bottom of your wrist when worn on the outside.
Benefits of Wearing Your Apple Watch with the Face inside the Wrist
Wearing your Apple watch on the inside of your wrist allows you to view it without taking it off. Your watch’s face is also protected from scratches, as it is impossible to be scratched when worn with the face inside your wrist.
It also helps to protect your eyes as light can’t reflect off your watch’s face when worn inside your wrist.
As for deciding which way to wear your watch, do whichever feels more comfortable for you!
Demerits of Wearing Your Apple Watch With the Face Inside Your Wrist
The main demerit of wearing your watch face inside your wrist is that you won’t be able to read what’s on it, as it will be facing away from you. Therefore, you can only see its digital face when you turn your hand around and look at it.
Also, there are no direct buttons on the underside of the wrist, but this isn’t usually an issue since all features can be accessed by swiping on the screen.
Additionally, you might not have as much space for text messages because they may get cut off depending on how many characters there are.
Benefits of Wearing an Apple Watch With the Face Outside Your Wrist
- If you’re using a watch face that shows notifications (such as Mail, Messages, and Calendar), you’ll have easier access when they appear on your wrist.
- If you’re cooking and need to check the time without dirtying your phone from flour and oil, just twist your arm so you can see it. And lastly, some people believe this is how watches were originally designed to be worn!
Demerits of Wearing an Apple Watch with the Face Outside Your Wrist
Many people wonder if they should wear their Apple Watch with the face on the outside of their wrist. There is a bit of a debate on this topic, as many say that it is more convenient to wear it where you can see what time it is without having to twist your arm around.
Some people may feel like wearing an Apple Watch on your wrist feels too much like wearing jewelry and that it’s best for practicality to have it on the inside of your wrist so that you don’t accidentally bump into things and knock off the watch.
Be it what it may, the primary demerit is that wearing your Apple Watch with the face outside the wrist makes it susceptible to scratches and damage.
How to Move the Band Inside Your Wrist
Straps can be moved inside your wrist by following these steps:
- Pull the strap so that it is at least halfway out of the buckle.
- Grip the back of your strap near where it is connected to your watch and pull up.
- Slowly slide the band around until you reach a more comfortable position.
When wearing your apple watch in your left hand, you may need to readjust. A few people who have shared their experiences say they wear their watches on their right wrist when using their left hand. This way, they can still see what time it is without using their dominant hand.
What to Consider Before Deciding on How to Wear Your Apple Watch
As much as it is safe to wear your Apple Watch with the face inside your wrist, think twice. If you want to quickly glance at your watch without having to twist your arm around just so you can see the time, then this style might not be the most convenient.
When deciding which style suits you, consider what type of lifestyle and activity level you lead. Are you always on the go, constantly changing outfits and going from work to an evening event? Then wearing your watch with its face exposed might be better than viewing it through a large cuff or sleeve.
On the other hand, are you someone who prefers simplicity and doesn’t mind paying attention to their phone throughout the day as opposed to their wristwatch? Then turning your wrist may not be as much of an inconvenience as it may seem.
Ensure you consider the following before deciding how to wear your Apple watch:
- If you wear your watch face inside your wrist, it will be more challenging to see and read since you’ll have to turn your wrist to see the screen.
- If you wear your watch face outside of your wrist, then it’s susceptible to getting scratched or damaged when putting on clothes.
- If you’re searching for a minimalist look, then wearing your watch face inside is the best choice because that way, it’ll be less obvious that there’s a watch on your wrist at all times
Ultimately, whichever option is right for you will depend on how active you are throughout the day and how often you change up your wardrobe choices

Frequently Asked Questions on Whether to Wear Your Apple Watch with the Face Inside or Outside Your Wrist
Which is the Best Way to Wear an Apple Watch?
There are two schools of thought on how to wear an Apple Watch. One is to wear it on the outside of your wrist so you can have easy access to all your apps and notifications, while the other is to wear it on the inside, so it doesn’t get in the way when you’re not using it. Considering which school of thought will be best for you demands that you pay attention to these Questions:
�?Do you need quick access to your watch at all times? Does wearing it on the inside of your wrist bother you? Do you want to use a third-party watch band that wraps around both sides of your arm rather than just one?
The choice will always boil down to individual taste.
The Final Thoughts
Many people wonder if they should wear their watch with the face on top or the inside of their wrist. The answer to this question is subjective, but there are a few things to consider before deciding. First, it’s essential to consider what you will be using your watch for.
If you plan to use it for fitness purposes, it might be a good idea to wear it like a traditional watch to monitor your progress as efficiently as possible. However, if you’re looking for a smartwatch that is primarily used for notifications and communication, then wearing it on the inside may make more sense.