Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars is a Lego-themed Star Wars action-adventure video game developed by Traveller’s Tales, TT Fusion, and Telltale Games. This game was released on March 22, 2011, and it was based on The Clone Wars animated film and its follow-up television series with the same name. This is an insanely popular game of the LEGO Star Wars series and millions of people around the world play this game. If you are looking for the cheats, hacks, codes, walk troughs for LEGO Star Wars 3 then you are in the right place. Read the article to know details about Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars cheat codes for Xbox 360.
Vehicles Cheat Codes For Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars �?�?�?
You can use these codes to activate the corresponding vehicles. First, pause the game and then from the menu select “Extras” and then choose the “Enter Code” selection. Now enter the below codes:
2. Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter: RCTFLV
3. Arc-170 Starfighter (rapid fire): ZY3AE2
4. AT-AP Walker: AA279H
5. AT-RT: Z7H46T
7. BARC Speeder: YMWV33
8. Destroyer Droid: 9MUTS2
9. Dwarf Spider Droid: NACMGG
10. Geonosian Solar Sailor: PJ2U3R
11. Geonosian Starfighter: EDENEC
12. H-Type Nubian Yacht: 77QEJL
13. Hailfire Droid: T7XF9Z
14. Hyena Bomber: NPGG24
15. Jedi Shuttle: HRX2UK
16. Kit Fitso’s Jedi Starfighter: H68D3K
17. MagnaGuard Starfighter: HJ5HHD
18. Medical Frigate (torpedoes): BET7CU
19. MSE-6: S6GRNZ
20. Neimoidian Shuttle: 6LT4QL
21. Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter: 25FMVT
22. OG-9 Homing Spider Droid: 7NEC36
23. Pirate Saucer (missiles): Z567HR
24. Pirate Speeder Tank: 3NQGYL
25. Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter: L4LCDV
26. Probe Droid: U2T4SP
27. Republic Attack Shuttle: BQCXWR
28. Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes): J3MFJZ
29. Republic Dropship (rapid fire): J2JNDD
30. Republic Gunship: C7M3DU
31. RX-200 Tank: P8Z9M5
32. Slave I: KDDQVD
33. Soulless One (rapid fire): 7RL23G
34. STAP: 59UU88
35. Starhawk Speeder Bike: 3RE9XV
36. Stealth Ship (missiles and torpedoes): XPY46K
37. Super Tank: RYLVNW
38. The Halo (rapid fire): MHG3XB
39. The Twilight: T4K5L4
40. Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes): JSBLJS
41. V-19 Torrent Starfighter: AKA9BB
42. Vulture Droid: 7W7K7S
43. Xanadu Blood (rapid fire):�? LQ2SVT
44. Y-Wing Starfighter: XTL6Y3
“Extras” Cheat Codes For Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars�?�? �?
1. Invincibility: J46P7A
2. Character Studs: 2D5GNM
3. Character Studs: QD2C31
4. Stud Magnet: 6MZ5CH
5. Stud Multiplier X10: N1CKR1
6. Score X2: YZPHUV
7. Score X4: 43T5E5
8. Score X6: SEBHGR
9. Score X8: BYFSAQ
10. Score X10: N1CKR1
11. Minikit Detector: CSD5NA
12. Perfect Deflect: 3F5L56
13. Dual Wield: C4ES4R
14. Dark Side: X1V4N2
15. Fast Build: GCHP7S
16. Super Saber Cut: BS828K
17. Super Speeders: B1D3W3
18. Regenerate Hearts: 2D7JNS
19. Glow In The Dark: 4GT3VQ
Characters Cheat Codes For Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars�?�? �?
1. Aayla Secura: 2VG95B
2. Adi Gallia: G2BFEN
3. Admiral Ackbar (Classic): 272Y9Q
4. Admiral Yularen: NG6PYX
5. Ahsoka: 2VJ9TH
6. Anakin Skywalker: F9VUYJ
7. Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena): 9AA4DW
8. Asajj Ventress: YG9DD7
9. Aurra Sing: M2V1JV
10. Bail Organa: GEHX6C
11. Barriss Offee: BTVTZ5
12. Battle Droid: 5Y7MA4
13. Battle Droid Commander: LSU4LJ
14. Bib Fortuna: 9U4TF3
15. Bobba Fett (Classic): TY2BYJ
16. Boil: Q5Q39P
17. Bossk: 2KLW5R
18. C-3PO: 574226
19. Cad Bane: NHME85
20. Captain Antilles (Classic): D8SNGJ
21. Captain Rex: MW3QYH
22. Captain Typho: GD6FX3
23. Chancellor Palpatine: 5C62YQ
24. Chewbacca (Classic): 66UU3T
25. Clone Pilot: HQ7BVD
26. Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic): 7GFNCQ
27. Clone Trooper: NP5GTT
28. Commander Bly: 7CB6NS
29. Commander Cody: SMN259
30. Commander Fil: U25HFC
31. Commander Ponds: JRPR2A
32. Commando Droid: QEGU64
33. Commando Stone: 5XZQSV
34. Count Dooku: EWR7WM
35. Darth Maul (Classic): QH68AK
36. Darth Sidius (Classic): QXY5XN
37. Darth Vader (Classic): FM4JB7
38. Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic): NMJFBL
39. Dr. Nuvo Vindi: MB9EMW
40. Echo: JB9E5S
41. Eeth Koth: WUFDYA
42. Gammorean Guard: WSFZZQ
43. General Grievous: 7FNU4T
44. Geonosian Guard: GAFZUD
45. Gold Super Battle Droid: 2C8NHP
46. Gonk Droid: C686PK
47. Grand Moff Tarkin: NH2405
48. Greedo (Classic): FUW4C2
49. Han Solo (Classic): KFDBXF
50. Heavy Super Battle Droid: G65KJJ
51. Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper: WXUTWY
53. Hevy: EUB8UG
54. Hondo Hohnaka: 5A7XYX
55. IG-86: EABPCP
56. Imperial Guard (Classic): 5W6FGD
57. Jango Fett: 5KZQ4D
58. Jar Jar Binks: MESPTS
59. Jek: AYREC9
60. Ki-Adi-Mundi: HGBCTQ
61.. Kit Fitso: PYWJ6N
62. Lando Calrissian (Classic): ERAEWE
63. LEP Servent Droid: SM3Y9B
64. Lieutenant Thire: 3NEUXC
65. Lok Durd: TKCYUZ
66. Luke Skywalker (Classic): PG73HF
67. Luminara Uunduli: MKUYQ8
68. Lurman Villager: R35Y7N
69. Luxury Droid: V4WMJN
70. Mace Windu: 8NVRWJ
71. MagnaGuard: 2KEF2D
72. Nahdar Vebb: ZKXG43
73. Neimoidian: BJB94J
74. Nute Gunray: QFYXMC
75. Obi-Wan Kenobi: J9HNF9
76. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic): FFBU5M
77. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena): 5U9FJK
78. Onaconda Farr: DB7ZQN
79. Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena): SZ824Q
80. Padme Amildala: 8X87U6
81. Pirate Ruffian: BH2EHU
82. Plo Koon: BUD4VU
83. Poggle The Lesser: 4592WM
84. Princess Leia (Classic): 2D3D3L
85. Queen Neeyutnee: ZQRN85
86. Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic): LKHD3B
87. R2-D2: RZ5HUV
88. R3-S6: Z87PAU
89. R4-P17: 5MXSYA
90. R6-H5: 7PMC3C
91. Rebel Commando (Classic): PZMQNK
92. Robonino: 2KLW5R
93. Rys: 4PTP53
94. Savage Opress: MELL07
95. Senate Commando: EPBPLK
96. Senate Commando (Republic):�? S4Y7VW
97. Senator Kharrus: EA4E9S
98. Senator Philo: 9Q7YCT
99. Shahan Alama: G4N7C2
100. Sionver Boll: 5C62YQ
101. Stormtrooper (Classic): HPE7PZ
102. Super Battle Droid: MJKDV5
103. Tee Watt Kaa: FYVSHD
104. Turk Falso: HEBHW5
105. Tuscan Raider (Classic): GC2XSA
106. TX-20: PE7FGD
107. Undead Geonosian: QGENFD
108. Vader’s Apprentice (Classic): EGQQ4V
109. Wag Too: VRUVSZ
110. Wat Tambor: ZP8XVH
111. Waxer: BNJE79
112. Wedge Antilles (Classic): DRGLWS
113. Whorm Loathsom: 4VVYQV
114. Workout Clone Trooper: MP9DRE
115. Yoda: CSQTMB

Bonus characters Of Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars�?�? �?
There are bonus characters available in Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars. You can unlock the corresponding character by collecting all 10 Minikit pieces at the indicated level. The bonus characters are:
1. Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
2. Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
3. Captain Antilles: Innocents Of Ryloth
4. Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
5. Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
6. Darth Maul: Rookies
7. Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
8. Darth Vader: Legacy Of Terror
9. Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
10. Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
11. Han Solo: Duel Of The Droids
12. Imperial Guard: Castle Of Doom
13. Lando Calrissian: Shadow Of Malevolence
14. Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
15. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
16. Princess Leia: Battle Of Geonosis
17. Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm Over Ryloth
18. Rebel Commando: Lair Of Grievous
19. Stormtrooper: Liberty On Ryloth
20. Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
21. Vader’s Apprentice: Defenders Of Peace
22. Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence �?�?�?�?�?�?�?
Final Thought
I hope you found the above information helpful. We continuously update this page so make sure you pay a visit every now and then to keep yourself informed with the latest news, tips, and tricks about Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars.
What Is The Difference Between The Star Wars And Lego Star Wars Games?
The Star Wars and Lego Star Wars games are two of the most popular video games that come to mind when thinking of an action-packed game. The two games are very similar in that they are both based on the Star Wars movies, but there are some key differences between them. One thing is that the Lego Star Wars game has more comic cut scenes with different characters, whereas the regular Star Wars game does not have any cut scenes at all. Another difference is the dialogue.
The Star Wars and Lego Star Wars games are both based on the same movies. The Lego Star Wars games were released in 2005 and lasted for 7 years with 13 different video games, while the Star Wars games began in 1983. The Star Wars games are more violent, are focused on fighting battles, and have a cinematic cut-scene style of gameplay. The Lego Star Wars games are more about jumping around on platforms solving puzzles to move forward.
What Is The Lego Star Wars 3 Price?
Lego Star Wars 3 is the newest installment of the Lego Star Wars series. In this game, players can travel through time and visit various eras to discover new characters and droids which have been made from Lego bricks. There are also new exploration-themed battles that will be taking place in 3D space with flying vehicles, horses, pirates, and more. This game requires a Playstation 3 console and costs $59.99.
What Are Some Of The Best Lego Star Wars 3 Games?
Lego Star Wars is a Lego game series that uses the Lego building blocks to make a platform video game. These games are played by using a controller to move around in a 3D environment. Some of the best games in this series include “Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga,” “Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” and “Lego Star Wars: Battlefront.
How Many Players Can Play Lego Star Wars 3 At The Same Time?
There is no limit to the number of players that can play Lego Star Wars 3 at one time. The game can accommodate up to four players, and at certain levels, you can even add computer-controlled characters to your party, if desired. For many gamers, this offers a great opportunity to challenge themselves and see how they stack up against their friends and family members.