Convert Disc To Digital Xbox One | Tossing Away That Disc And Connecting Entirely To A Digital Version

As an Xbox fan, you have played Elder Scrolls (or any other game) for a long time. Although you load it online, you always need a disc to run it. Now, you want to change, and in the place of the disc, you want to go digital. How do you do it?

Well, converting an Xbox disc game to a digital one is impossible. That is because when you bought the disc, it registered on your console using a special license. Unfortunately, that reason only makes it necessary always to have the disc whenever you want to play the game. So, you can’t circumvent the license ‘thing’ and make the disc game digital.

But, if you really need a digital version of your game, sell the disc on Craigslist or eBay. With the money, you can buy the codes from Microsoft Store, and they will work just fine.�?

TechBiva 101: Xbox One comes in two consoles, the digital and the physical version. With the physical one, you need discs to play, but you will have to go game shopping in the Store with the digital one.

For more on the topic, keep reading. In this article, we will answer related questions about discs and digital versions across all Xbox consoles. In addition, you will know if you can play games without discs or if you can get a digital copy of a game you already own.

Keep reading to get that and much more.

Can You Digitally Download Xbox One Games From Disc?

No, you can’t.

That’s because any digital downloads require that you have Internet. However, you can install the disc-based game without a connection because the disc comes preloaded.

TechBiva 101: Even though installing the disc alone is possible, you’ll need an internet connection to play the game. That’s because any game will ask for updates, and you can get those online only.

Can You Play Xbox One Games Without The Disc After Installing?


If you are on Xbox One, all you need to do is sign in and install it to play the game. You won’t need a disc because a digital copy of the game exists in the cloud and on your console.

Can I Get A Digital Copy Of A Game I Already Own Xbox?

Yes, buy buying it.

If you own a disc, you cannot get a ‘copy.’ You will need a complete digital version if you need to toss away that flat, shiny donut.

Can You Convert A Disc Game To Digital?

Technically, you can’t.

That is because they are of different worlds. Whichever your console is, converting a disc game into a digital version is impossible. However, you can always sell the disc and shop your digital game on the Microsoft Store.

Convert Disc To Digital Xbox One

How Do I Play A Disc On Xbox One Digital?

You can’t.

The digital Xbox One console is just that, digital, and so, you cannot play any discs on the system.


If you have any disc-based game and need a digital version, you can’t convert it directly. But, you can always resell it and use the money to buy digital codes on the Microsoft Store. Also, anyone who owns the Xbox One digital shouldn’t rely on discs because they won’t work.

And that was it!

If you enjoyed the read, be sure to share it with other Xbox One fans. They will get their answers here, especially if they have trouble ‘converting’ discs to digital ones.

For any comments, talk to us in the boxes below, and we’ll be sure to get back. And as you exit the building, check out these exciting topics (some will blow your mind!)

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See you in the next one!

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