Call of Duty: Black Ops is a very popular first-person shooter game published by Activision. This game was first released in 2010 for Windows computers, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It is the 7th installment of this series. This game has two additional secret games and dozens of achievements to unlock as well as cheat codes to utilize in the game. If you want to know about them then read this article.
Cheat Codes Of Call Of Duty Black Ops
If you want to use the cheat codes in this game then first go to the main menu then press Left Trigger + Right Trigger on the controller repeatedly to break free of your interrogation chair and stand up. Now go near to the CIA computer and enter one of the following codes:
Cheat | Code |
Unlock Dead Ops Arcade | DOA |
Unlock the Alicia virtual assistant | ALICIA |
List all system commands | HELP |
View CIA emails | |
List all audio files and pictures | DIR |
Open a file to view it | CAT filename |
Unlock all intel (disables the Closer Analysis achievement) | 3ARC INTEL |
Unlock Zork: The Great Underground Empire | ZORK |
Unlock everything | 3ARC UNLOCK |
Cheat Codes For The Dreamland Server
First, you have to enter the “RLOGIN DREAMLAND” into the CIA computer to access the private server of the Majestic 12. Then use the below codes: �?�?
Character | User Name | Password |
Dr. Vannevar | vbush | majestic1 |
T. Walker | twalker | thanksdad |
Dr. Robert Oppenheimer | roppen | trinity |
CIA Computer Login Credentials
Enter RLOGIN into the CIA computer, and then use the following login credentials to access each user’s files:
Character | User Name | Password |
Adrienne Smith | asmith | roxy |
Alex Mason (default) | amason | password |
Bruce Harris | bharris | goskins |
D. King | dking | mfk |
Frank Woods | fwoods | philly |
Grigori “Greg” Weaver | gweaver | gedeon |
J. Turner | Jturner | condor75 |
Jason Hudson | jhudson | bryant1950 |
John McCone | jmccone | berkley22 |
Joseph Bowman | jbowman | uwd |
John F. Kennedy | jfkennedy | lancer |
Lyndon B. Johnson | lbjohnson | ladybird |
Richard Nixon | rnixon | checkers |
Richard Helms | rhelms | lerosey |
Richard Kain | rkain | sunwu |
Ryan Jackson | rjackson | saintbridget |
T. Walker | twalker | radi0 |
Terrance Brooks | tbrooks | lauren |
Vannevar Bush | vbush | manhattan |
William Raborn | wraborn | bromlow |
Achievements Of Call Of Duty Black Ops
There are lots of achievements available in this game. Here is how you can get these achievements:
1. Death to Dictators: Takedown Castro with a headshot
2. Sacrifice: Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba
3. Vehicular Slaughter: Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break
4. Slingshot Kid: Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts
5. Give Me Liberty: Escape Vorkuta
6. VIP: Receive orders from Lancer
7. A Safer Place: Sabotage the Soviet space program
8. Tough Economy: Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh
9. Looks Don’t Count: Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh
10. Raining Pain: Rack up a body count of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City
11. The Dragon Within: Kill 10 NVA with Dragon’s Breath rounds
12. SOG Rules: Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City
13. Heavy Hand: Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement
14. Up Close and Personal: Silently take out 3 VC
15. Double Trouble: Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon
16. Broken English: Escape Kowloon
17. Lord Nelson: Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river
18. Never Get Off the Boat: Find the Soviet connection in Laos
19. Pathfinder: Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed
20. Mr. Black OP: Enter the Soviet relay station undetected
21. With Extreme Prejudice: Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets
22. Russian Bar-B-Q: Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound
23. Light Foot: Escape the ship with 2:15 left on the timer in Veteran
24. Some Wounds Never Heal: Escape the Past
25. I Hate Monkeys: Kill 7 monkeys in under 10 seconds in the Rebirth labs
26. No Leaks: Make it through the NOVA 6 gas without dying on Rebirth Island
27. Clarity: Crack the code
28. Double Whammy: Destroy both helicopters with one Valkyrie rocket from the deck of the ship
29. Stand Down: Complete the campaign on any difficulty
30. BLACK OP MASTER: Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty
31. Frag Master: Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade in the campaign
32. Sally Likes Blood: Demonstrate killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet
33. Unconventional Warfare: Use the explosive bolts to kill 30 enemies in the campaign
34. Cold Warrior: Complete Operation 40, Vorkuta, and Executive Order on Veteran difficulty
35. Down and Dirty: Complete SOG and The Defector on Veteran difficulty
36. It’s Your Funeral: Complete Numbers, Project Nova, and Victor Charlie on Veteran difficulty
37. Not Today: Complete Crash Site, WMD, and Payback on Veteran difficulty
38. Burn Notice: Complete Rebirth and Redemption on Veteran difficulty
39. Closer Analysis: Find all the hidden Intel
40. Date Night: Watch a film or clip with a friend
41. In The Money: Finish 5 Wager Matches “in the money”
42. Ready For Deployment: Reach rank 10 in Combat Training
43. The Collector: Buy every weapon off the walls in a single Zombies game
44. Hands Off the Merchandise: Kill the Pentagon thief before it can steal your load-out
45. Sacrificial Lamb: Shoot at or be shot by an ally with a Pack-a-Punch crossbow and kill 6 zombies with the explosion
46. Insert Coin: Access the terminal and battle the forces of the Cosmic Silverback in Dead Ops Arcade
47. Easy Rhino: In Dead Ops Arcade, use a Speed Boost to blast through 20 or more enemies at one time
48. See Me, Stab Me, Heal Me: Fire a Pack-a-Punched Ballistic Knife at a downed ally to revive them from a distance
49. Just Ask Me Nicely: Break free from the torture chair
50. Eaten by a Grue: Play Zork on the terminal

What Is Call Of Duty Black Ops?
Call of Duty Black Ops is a first-person shooter game that was originally released in 2010. The game’s story is set during the Cold War, mainly in Central America and Africa. The player takes on the role of various characters, such as Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Viktor Reznov. While the game includes several single-player missions, it also features several multiplayer modes which can be accessed by connecting to an online server or via a system link with other players.
What Are The Multiplayer Modes In Call Of Duty Black Ops?
Call of Duty Black Ops is a military simulator video game that offers online multiplayer modes. There are 20 different multiplayer modes available. These modes can be categorized into four categories: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Domination. These Multiplayer Modes offer various tactical strategies to help players win against opponents.
What Is The Price For Call Of Duty Black Ops?
Call of Duty Black Ops is a first-person shooter multiplayer video game. It was developed by Treyarch and published by Activision, and released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC on November 9th, 2010. The price for Call of Duty Black Ops varies depending on the platform, such as $49.99 (PlayStation 3) and $59.99 (Xbox 360).