HT Eronet Internet Packages & Data Plan of 2025 (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Broadband service providers in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina are a country are also called as Bosnia while using it informally. It is the country in Europe and the capital of this country is Sarajevo. The total population of this country is nearly 38, 02,134 as per the record of the 2016 census. It never is a landlocked country and the internet users of this country are nearly 23, 43,255 and the internet penetration of 2023 is 85% of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ero Net Company and its internet services for Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Ero Net Company is the popular one among the total internet providers of this country. The best and wise cause for the development is providing good quality internet services from India which issues the most significant portals for the internet. The offer names of this company were classified up to the data and SIM card options by the duration of hours, weeks, months, and days.

The first package is called ‘!hej’:

  • The first offer is for 500 MB of data. This will be affordable only by paying the amount of 1 KM for a complete 24 hours.
  • The next package by the amount of 1.5 KM for the data of 1.5 GB. This offer is valid only for 24 hours.
  • The third offer in the same package is 2GB of internet. This will be available only by 3 KM with the validity of seven days which means one week.
  • The last offer is acquiring the same 2 GB of data for a month (30 days). For this offer, people should pay 10 KM.

More Data adds in the current offer:

This package will be very useful because people couldn’t sure about the end of data, it may finish whenever at any time. So this offer is like a boon to those situations. In this offer, people can add some data for the current account before finish the current one. People can send some code to activate the plan.

  • People can add 500 MB of data for 5 days by recharging 2 KM by the code of *106*1#.
  • The next offer is by 3 KM people can add 1 GB of data for seven days through *107*1#.

Roaming packages:

The roaming packages are classified into days and months. They are:

  • The first offer is for 100 MB, in this offer people should pay 3 KM which is validated for only one day through the code of *111*3*1#.
  • *111*3*2# is the code to activate the roaming plan of 250 MB of data for 5 days through 6 KM.
  • The last offer of this roaming package is 1 GB of internet for the 30 days which means solid one month of validity by 18 KM through the code of *111*3*3#.

Tourist SIM packages:

This tourist SIM will be useful for short plans like one day or one week of trip or tour to access the network in a certain place. Without the internet people couldn’t survive at all in the world, this is the exact condition of the orb. So the offers are:

  • The first offer is the package is for 1 GB of data for 24 hours by 3KM.
  • The next one is up to 7 days of validity for 10 GB of internet for 20 KM only.

Why Ero Net Is Such A Popular Name In The Indian Market?

Ero Net has been an extremely popular name in the Indian region for the longest time now. This is because of the fact that this particular agency has been involved in the election process of democratic India. The agency came into the business in the year 2003 and ever since has been a popular name in the Indian market.

ht eronet internet offers

A website that maintains all

When it comes to the services of Ero Net, then the most popular option is the fact that it has given good quality internet services in the form of one of the most important internet portals in India. This particular portal has maintained and developed an extensive database that stores information about a large number of voters in the country.

Updates profiles through the online processIf you have been struggling with the application process or transfer or any other issue of your voter details in India, then you can simply log into the Ero Net site and get your activity started. You can submit online tickets, and a lot of other activities can be done as well through the means of this particular portal. So, if you have been tired of visiting the election commission office again and again, then just go online and your work will be done in no time at all.

Thus, if you have not yet been aware of the services of Ero Net and you have been wondering about how you can be benefitted from Ero Net services, then hopefully, this will be helpful for you. 

HT Eronet Internet and Dat Offers Time Price Activation Code

500 MB24 hours1 KM*103*1#
1.5 GB24 hours1.5 KM*102*1#
 2 GB 7 days3 KM*104*1#
2 GB  30 days10 KM*105*1#
For more data you can add   
500 MB5 days2 KM*106*1#
1 GB7 days3 KM*107*1#
Data-only SIM
1 GB24 hours3 KM*113*1#
2 GB 30 days10 KM*115*1#
8 GB30 days 20 KM *116*1#
25 GB30 days50 KM*117*1#
100 MB1 day3 KM *111*3*1#
250 MB 5 days6 KM*111*3*2#
1 GB30 days18 KM111*3*3#
Tourist SIM
1 GB24 hours 3 KM
10 GB7 days20 KM

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