From the very beginning of this world; it changed a lot. Once upon a time, people didn’t know how to flame the fire and now in this era, people are using fires to do whatever s/he want. This is just one thing that pops upright on the head if anyone asks you how this world has changed and from when.
So, let’s find out the top 20 scientific discoveries and brilliant inventions that are the all-time greatest, and without these, this world wouldn’t be such beautiful, comfortable, and easy to live and come so far from dignity and civilization.
1. Electricity
Imagine a day without electricity! Impossible…right? Well, Benjamin Franklin firstly discovered the differences between lightning and an electric spark by having experimented with a Kite, Key, and Storm. Later Alessandro Volta found a specific chemical reaction that can produce an electric current. Around 600 BC Thales researched about the Magnetism and Electricity which led the scientist to think about it better. Micheal Faraday invented the Electric Motor at first in 1827. Later Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison took these electrical experiments to the next level and commercially launched electricity with filament bulbs that started enlighten this world literally.
2. The Internet
Like other world-changing inventions so far, the Internet also passed the toughest roads after roads and countless numbers of a failed trials. The initial attempt of inventing the Internet was done by�?Leonard Kleinrock in 1961. Leonard Kleinrock, J.C.R. Licklider, and Robert Taylor created ARPANET which was the first successful attempt at inventing the Internet.
Later The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) firstly introduced the Internet to the public in 1969. The first commercial ISP of this world was named “The World” in 1989 and the Internet is started booming all over the USA and the world.
Tim Berners Lee introduced the World Wide Web (WWW) on August 6, 1991. Mosaic was the first Web Browser of this world.
3. The Airplane
The famous Wright brothers were the first successful propelled Airplane inventor of this world. Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright were born in America. They first tested their first Airplane (which was like Kite initially. Also known as Glider.) in 1900 and they continuously pushed the flying limit and strength of this glider up to the year 1902. In 1903, they used Power on their Glider. Orville and Wilbur started flying on their own on the planes in 1904 and that was the real starting of the Airplane that we see today. These two Wright brothers later founded an aviation company and globalized this Airplane idea all over the world.
4. The Compass
The compass is probably the most ancient invention on this list. Firstly Chinese people invented this in 206 BC. Later it was vastly used for Military Orienteering at 1240 and then on Maritime Engineering at 1111.
5. Telephone
There are lots of claims placed on who invented the telephone first. But it is true that there are some worth mentioning scientists who worked their lives to bring the Telephone into this world. These individuals are chronological –
a) Charles Grafton Page,�?
b) Innocenzo Manzetti,�?
c) Charles Bourseul,�?
d) Johann Philipp Reis,�?
e) Antonio Meucci: Meucci is who invented�?telettrofono – a voice communicating device that actually led to today’s Telephone. But due to a lack of English knowledge and marketing know-how, he couldn’t market it in the USA and the world so forth.�?
f) Elisha Gray and�?
g) Alexander Graham Bell: Bell is actually the inventor of the Telephone. The very first Telephone was very short-range and the first talk over that phone is – “Watson, come here. I want to see you.” Graham Bell claimed the patent of the Telephone in 1876.�?
6. Clock
The clock was named Sundials which was first invented in Babylon over 6 thousand years ago. Later Pluto firstly created a Water-Based alarm clock on 1st Millenia BC. Su Sung from China invented the first mechanized water clock. Jacob Zech from Prague invented the first mechanized analog clock in 1525. Later Galileo Galilei and Christian Huygens invented Pendulum Clock. German Peter Heinlein introduced the modern clock in 1511. Still, Huygens is credited as the inventor of Clock.
7. DNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid�?(DNA) was invented by�?Alec Jeffreys on 10th September 1984. Alec is a British Geneticist and a professor at the University of Leicester. He developed techniques for DNA Fingerprints and DNA profiling which is a MUST these days for forensic science and human identification as individuals.
8. Gravity
Sir Isaac Newton discovered Gravity for the first time. Newton was born in English and besides discovering Gravity he also proves that it depends on different factors like Mass, Distance, and placement. Interestingly, a Gravity idea clicked on Newton Head when he was sitting below an Apple tree and an Apple fell and hit him on the head. He understood that a force is needed to change the speed and direction of any given object. And this is how the Gravity thing became understandable to the public.
9. The Wheel
Interestingly the wheel was invented after a lot of time of civilization built all over the world. Even after a lot of time of the Agriculture started in major parts of this world. The first Wheel was seen in the Mesopotamian Civilization which was 4th Millenia BC. It was kind of Wooden Wheels and later in 1550 BC, the spoked wheel was first introduced.
10. The Computer
British Mathematicians Charles Babbage invented the first programmable computer in 1830. Many people claim that Alan Turing was also the first initiator of the computer-making program. Babbage at first tried to make a mechanical calculator named Difference Engine. It was totally based on numbers which actually the foundation of modern computers. Besides when the Difference Engine is done, an Analytical Engine worked on the process and Babbage could not complete it. But what he planned and dreamed, was graphed and noted down on papers on a science museum in Britain. And eventually, that science museum in London actually succeeded in making the first computer for this world. But the problem is, the first computer was as bigger as a common room with enormous amounts of parts, wires, and electronics conductors.I have collected information on discoveries and inventions from various trusted sources on the Internet. If you find any flaw in this piece of an article; please mention below in the comment with a reference (please). I will edit these as soon as possible. Till then, keep sharing this awesome article. 🙂

1. What Are The Top 5 Inventions That Changed The World?
1. The compass.
2. The printing press.
3. The internal combustion engine.
4. The telephone.
5. The light bulb.
2. What Is Man’s Greatest Invention?
Answer- The wheel is considered to be man’s greatest invention.
3. What Are The Top 5 Filipino Inventions?
1. Patis.
2. Erythromycin.
3. Medical Incubator.
4. Karaoke.
5. Videophone
4. Who Invented Jeepney?
Answer- Leonardo Salvador Sarao Sr.