How To Delete Voicemail On Android – Step By Step Guide

A voicemail system allows users and subscribers to exchange personal voice messages using an ordinary phone. A caller leaves a voicemail when the person called is absent or is busy with another conversation. With the help of voicemail, people can exchange voice messages, process transactions relating to different services, and deliver information. Moreover, voicemail gives you the opportunity to communicate with your friends and family when other popular services are not available.

It is important you regularly check your voicemail for important information as well as regularly delete old voicemails to keep your inbox free for new voicemails. If you don’t delete your voicemail messages, your inbox will be full, and you will not receive a new voicemail anymore. Deleting voicemails from android devices is very easy. Though, the process of deleting voicemail is a bit different from one mobile carrier to another.

You can use the Visual Voicemail app on your phone to delete the voicemails. There are few other ways available to delete voicemail on Android. This article teaches you how you can delete voicemail on Android phones. Follow this article and learn these easy methods.

Method 1 – Delete Voicemail On Android Using The Visual Voicemail App

1. First, open the Visual Voicemail app and you will see all your voicemails

2. Now tap on a voicemail and it will display the callback number as well as provides control to listen to the voicemail

3. Now tap the play button to listen to the voicemail. You should listen to the voicemail before deleting it

4. Then select the delete icon to permanently delete the voicemail from your Android phone

5. If a confirmation window pop-up then tap the OK button to confirm the process

Method 2 – Delete Voicemail On Android Using The Phone App

1. First, open the phone app from your mobile

2. Now dial the Voicemail number for your carrier

3. Then enter the password for the voicemail by tapping the number keys and then the # sign

4. If there are multiple voicemails and you don’t want to delete them then press 9 to save them first

5. Now press 7 on the dial pad to delete a voicemail

Method 3–Deleting Multiple Voicemail Using The Visual Voicemail App

1. First, open the Visual Voicemail app and you will see all your voicemails

2. Now click on the delete icon located at the top of the screen

3. Now you will see a checkbox to the right of each voicemail

4. Now tap the checkbox of voicemails that you want to delete

5. Then tap the delete button to delete all the selected voicemail messages

6. If a confirmation window pop-up then tap the OK button to confirm the process

How To Delete Voicemail On Android – Step By Step Guide

How To Disable Voicemail On Android Phones

1. Open the phone app from your mobile

2. Now dial the customer service of your carrier

3. After dial, the number tap the “Call” button

4. Once the call is connected follow the menu instructions

5. Then select the appropriate menu instructions to talk to a customer service representative

6. Now ask the customer service representative to disable your voicemail

How To Delete Voicemail On Sprint Phone

1. First press and then hold on the envelope icon displayed on the main screen of the phone

2. Then enter your accounts password to go to the voicemail option

3. Now tap 7 on any voicemail that you want to delete and it will be deleted successfully

How To Delete Voicemail On Verizon

1. First, open your phone’s dial pad and dial *86and then tap the call button

2. Once you hear the greeting messages click the #key to interrupt

3. Now enter the password of your voicemail by simply tapping on the number keys, and then tap on the # button again

4. Then tap 7 on any voicemail that you want to delete and it will be deleted successfully

How To Delete Voicemail On T-Mobile

1. First, open your phone’s dial pad and dial 1and then tap the call button to call voicemail

2. Now enter the password of your voicemail by tapping on the number keys and then tap on the # button again

3. You will encounter multiple voicemail messages, skip the messages

4. Now listen to your voicemails and press 9 if you want to save any voice message

5. Tap 7 on any voicemail that you want to delete and it will be deleted successfully

How To Delete Voicemail On AT & T

1. First, open your phone’s dial pad and dial 1, and then tap the call button to call voicemail

2. Now enter the password of your voicemail by tapping on the number

3. If you want to listen to your voicemail press 1

4. Tap 7 on any voicemail that you want to delete and it will be deleted successfully

Final Thoughts

I hope you find this article helpful and learn how to delete voicemail on Android. If there is anything you want to know or facing problems while applying any of the above methods, then don’t hesitate to ask a question in the comment section. Our team of experts will answer your questions and provide solutions.


How Do I Delete Voicemail On My Android Device?

When it comes to deleting messages, there are many different methods that can be used depending on the phone’s configuration. For example, messages could be deleted by pressing and holding down on the message until a trash bin icon appears, then dragging the message into it.., or messages could be deleted by long-pressing on either an individual or group of messages until a trash bin icon appears with the option “delete”, then selecting delete.

How Do I Stop My Voicemail From Being Deleted On My Android Device?

The voicemail on many Android devices can be deleted automatically by default. This can happen if the voicemail is not listened to within a certain number of days, or if the voicemail is set to “auto-delete” under settings. Resolving this issue may involve setting the voicemail to “manual delete”, which will enable you to save voicemails for an unlimited amount of time without them being deleted.

How Do I Delete Voicemail On My Android Phone?

Voicemail can be a hassle to deal with but it doesn’t have to be. Voicemail is the message that is left for you by someone who does not leave his or her phone number. There are many ways that you can delete voicemail and the easiest way is to do it through your voicemail inbox on your android phone. All you need to do is go into your voicemail inbox, find the voicemail, press and hold it and either delete or archive it.

How Do I Delete Voicemail On My iPhone?

When it comes to how to delete voicemail on iPhone, the process is rather simple for this advanced technology. There are two ways in which you can clear your voicemail messages. The first method is through the Phone app on your phone and then tapping Voicemails and then tapping Edit and then tapping Clear. The second way is by going to Settings and then choosing Voicemail and then choosing Delete Messages.

How Do I Delete Voicemail On My Windows Phone?

Haven’t found the voicemail you want to delete? Follow these steps to delete your voicemail on your Windows Phone.

1. From your Windows Phone’s home screen, tap on Me tile.

2. Next, tap on the Voicemail tab to open up the Voicemail tab page.

3. Once this page is open, you can scroll through all of your voicemails and then tap on the voicemail you would like to delete.

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