How To Clean MacBook Pro Screen & Keyboard | Step By Step Guide

If you are a regular user of the MacBook Pro then you might notice that it doesn’t take much time for a MacBook Pro to become covered with dust, crumbs, fingerprints, etc. So you have to clean it frequently compared to other devices. But lucky for you; it’s not that complicated to clean the screen and keyboard of a Mac Pro. Moreover, you can also clean almost every part of your MacBook Pro at home and without having any professional knowledge. Read this article and learn how you can professionally clean MacBook Pro & keyboard!

How To Clean MacBook Pro Screen

Among all the parts, cleaning the screen of the MacBook Pro is a bit tricky. You have to be extra careful while cleaning the screen or you might damage the screen. There are a few ways you can clean the MacBook pro screen. Let’s check them out!

Method 1 – Polish Screen With A Dry Cloth

1. First shut down the computer and detach the power adapter from the computer. If you are using a dry cloth then detaching the power adapter is optional.

2. Now carefully polish the screen with a dry microfiber cloth. Make sure you move across the entire screen in small circles. Don’t put excessive force on the screen or you might damage the screen.

3. Continue buffing the screen until all fingerprints and smudges have been removed.

4. Hold the computer by the keyboard or upper edge or you might re-smudge the screen again with your finger.

Method 2 – Wipe The Screen With A Moist Cloth

1. First shut down the computer and detach the power adapter from the computer.

2. Now apply little water on a microfiber cloth and make it moist. Make sure you use a static-free, fiber-free cloth. Don’t use any rough clothes or you might damage the screen.

3. If you can, then use distilled water instead of tap water. Tap water contains minerals and it can damage your screen.

4. Don’t spray water directly on your MacBook Pro because the water might get into the device and create a short circuit.

5. Now wipe the screen with moist clothe from side to side and top to bottom in small circles. Don’t put excessive force on the screen or you might damage the screen.

6. Hold the computer by the keyboard or upper edge or you might re-smudge the screen again with your finger.

Method 3 – Use Formula Cleansers

1. First shut down the computer and detach the power adapter from the computer. Make sure you don’t proceed with this method without detaching the computer because formula cleansers can damage your device if it got exposed.

2. Now spray a small amount of plasma cleaner on a microfiber cloth. Make sure you use a static-free, fiber-free cloth. Don’t use any rough clothes or you might damage the screen.

3. Don’t spray any cleaner directly on the screen as it can damage the screen. Now wipe the screen with moist clothe from side to side and top to bottom in small circles. Don’t put excessive force on the screen or you might damage the screen.

4. Hold the computer by the keyboard or upper edge or you might re-smudge the screen again with your finger.

Method 4 – Use LCD And Plasma Wipes To Clean The Screen

1. First shut down the computer and detach the power adapter from the computer.

2. Now take a specially formulated electronic wipe and carefully polish the screen. Make sure you move across the entire screen in small circles. Don’t put excessive force on the screen or you might damage the screen.

3. Make sure you use non-alcohol formula wipes as alcohol could damage the screen.

How To Clean MacBook Pro Screen

Cleaning the keyboard is a bit easy than cleaning the MacBook Pro screen but you have to be cautious or you can damage the device. With microfiber cloths and disinfecting wipes, you can easily clean the MacBook Pro keyboard and keep it out of germs.

Step 1 – Remove The Dirt And Debris

1. First shut down the computer and detach the power adapter from the computer. If you are using a dry cloth then detaching the power adapter is optional.

2. Now hold your MacBook Pro at a 75-degree angle so it is not quite vertical

3. Then use compressed air to spray the keyboard from left to right

4. Now rotate your MacBook Pro to its right side and again spray the keyboard from left to right

5. This time rotate your MacBook Pro to its left side and spray the keyboard from right to left

Step 2 – Disinfecting The Keyboard

1. Make sure your MacBook Pro and keyboard are turned off and unplugged while disinfecting the keyboard.

2. Now take a disinfecting wipe and squeeze it to remove excess moisture.

3. Now clean your keyboard gently with the disinfecting wipe. Make sure you don’t put much pressure on the keyboard or you can damage the keys.

4. Now use a clean, soft, lint-free cloth to dry the keyboard. Wait 5/10 minutes before turning on the MacBook Pro so the keyboard dries up completely.

Final Thoughts

If you are not sure or confident enough to clean your MacBook Pro then you should take your MacBook Pro to a professional or Apple service center. In many cases, Apple doesn’t charge a fee for these types of services. If there is something that you want to know about this topic then leave your question in the comment section. Our experts will get to you.

How To Clean MacBook Pro Screen & Keyboard | Step By Step Guide


How Do I Clean The MacBook Pro Keyboard With A Cloth?

MacBook keyboards need to be cleaned regularly in order to help keep them in good condition. You can use a damp cloth or water with dish soap to clean the keys. If using water, only wet the cloth and then wring it out so that no excess liquid is dripping down on the keyboard. Be careful not to press any of the keys while cleaning, because this can cause damage to the keyboard.

How Do I Clean The Laptop’s Fan?

It’s important to clean your laptop’s fan when it isn’t running. To do this, remove the battery and the power cord, turn the laptop upside down, apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab to each side of the fan, and then allow it to air dry for at least 10 minutes.

How Do I Clean My MacBook Pro Laptop?

The two most common ways to clean a MacBook Pro are with the use of compressed air and by using lint-free cloths. Although you can purchase both these items at any electronics store, it’s usually more convenient to buy them online. Compressed air is used by spraying it on the laptop, then wiping it down with a lint-free cloth once it has dried. The compressed air will remove dust particles, hair, and other debris that may have accumulated over time.

What Is The Best Way To Clean A MacBook Pro Screen & Keyboard?

The cleaning methods for MacBook Pro screens and keyboards are vastly different but equally important. The keyboard is best cleaned with a microfiber cloth, to avoid scratching the keys or using abrasive cleaning solutions that can break down the paint. Screens are best cleaned by spraying them with a lint-free microfiber cloth dampened with water, wiping it dry with another cloth, and using compressed air to remove any excess moisture.

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