Java is a famous and widely utilized programming language that is object-oriented. Java’s security features make it popular and a favorite among many people. Programmers use it for various purposes. Java helps develop multiple applications, including enterprise, network, desktop applications, web, games, and android. Java continues to experience consistent development in its programming efficiency. As it is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide, it is designed to run on all stages consistently.
Suppose you have encountered the Java program for the first time, you might be wondering, “What does Java Do?” don’t stress yourself anymore, keep it here as we will guide you to understand what Java does and its importance. Keep reading!
What Does Java Really Do?
1. Building Mobile Applications
Android, a system closely modeled by Java, is somewhat dominant in mobile phones. At the moment, android holds approximately 85% of the global market share for mobile phones. For people interested in mobile app development, almost every top application has its android version, including productivity applications such as Asana, payment applications such as Venmo, and travel applications such as Airbnb.�?
There are also gaming apps, including adventure video games and popular board games implementations. People interested in exploring augmented reality can try Pokémon Go, a popular gaming app using augmented reality that was partly written with Java programming language.�?
Some gaming apps such as Minecraft do not have android versions, although the original Minecraft developers used Java.
2. Working With Big Data
If you would like to work with big data, you should include Java as part of your skillset. Java is one of the fastest and most reliable programming languages, making it an excellent choice when working with data.�?
Software libraries such as Apache Hadoop are designed for processing large sets of data and are built in Java. LinkedIn also developed Apache Kafka to help work with massive amounts of real-time data, and the software was written in Java and Scala.�?
Many companies, including PayPal, Pinterest, and New York Times, all use Kafka written in Java. Kafka allows users to check errors and anomalies in their applications.
3. Working In The Cloud
Any Java application is a WORA (write once, run anywhere), which is a suitable language for decentralized and cloud-based applications. Java works in different areas, including providing services such as software, infrastructure, and platforms. Since Java is quite a powerful tool used to work with big data, it can power data collection and share in cloud-based apps.
4. Artificial Intelligence Development
Artificial intelligence has become quite popular recently with computer engineers working on cutting-edge technologies such as self-driving cars software. Computer engineers have explored machine learning and applied it in various platforms, including Netflix.�?
It helps to predict what to watch next. We’ve all heard of Alexa and Siri that help with voice recognition which is part of artificial intelligence. Machine learning continues to be a powerful area of interest because its potential application is helping cure diseases and solving world hunger.
Machine learning libraries, including Apache Spark’s MLib, use Java and other languages like Python. Although most people believe that Python is the top machine learning language, the stability of Java speed makes it an outstanding to incorporate artificial intelligence.
5. Exploration Of Outer Space
If you didn’t know, Java is also applied by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in various exciting applications.�?
Some of the applications that NASA uses written by Java include World Wind, where they can zoom from outer space, and examine different locations on earth. Organizations have been using Java for exploring space for over 20 years.
Why Do Companies Use Java?
Java is the best for security and functionality compared to other existing programming languages. This programming language isolates itself from the rest because it is also relevant. Other reasons why companies use Java include:
1. Scalability
Scalability adds capacity to any system and enhances its ability to add the system resources, and doesn’t affect architecture deployment.�?
Scalability can be achieved by increasing specific resources in one system, including RAM and CPU. It is essential to handle all the workload, enhance a system’s performance, and maximize productivity.
2. Cross-Platform
Cross-platform is the compiled Java program that can run on any platform. It’s important to note that the system should have JVM. Once you compile a Java program, its code converts into platform-independent bytecode. The JVM understands the bytecode, and it can run on all platforms.
3. Managing Memory
Through garbage collection, Java has its mechanism to manage the memory. Companies don’t need to care about the memory or implement it in working the memory. The program deletes any object when no longer in use, subsequently improving speed.
4. Multithreading
Through multithreading in Java, it is possible to execute more than one thread simultaneously, maximizing CPU utilization.
Why Program In Java?
1. Java is an easy-to-run and easy-to-write programming language; thus, most programmers prefer it over the rest. Once you master writing Java once, you can use that knowledge to run it almost anywhere at any given time.�?
2. You can use Java to create complete apps that can be run on one computer or get distributed across multiple servers or clients in a single network. Therefore, you can use Java to easily create mobile apps and run-on desktop apps that utilize varying operating systems and servers, including Linux and Windows.
3. Building code is easy once you learn how to install JDK, set up PATH, and understand the workings of CLASSPATH.
4. You can do a lot in Java, with plenty of libraries that can do almost everything. Java has better Graphical User Interface systems than the Abstract Window Toolkit or Swing Libraries.
5. It’s also easy to use Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to connect to various databases. Therefore, millions of developers use the Java programming language for different applications, and the developer community keeps growing and inspiring.
What Is The Importance Of Java?
Java is a popular programming language. It stands out as the most stable and mature programming language available. Due to the constant updates by Oracle Corporation, every new version of Java has numerous new features, and the performance gets better every time.�?
Java can efficiently compete with other VM-based languages with its unique features and updates.
A programmer has to write an application by targeting different devices and networks. Therefore a programmer will always search for a programming language that will enables writing of an application code once and deploy it across other platforms without much effort.
�?A programmer can easily compile a Java code immediately into bytecode and deploy it to various platforms without needing another code compilation.�?
It is easy for the programmer to deploy the application code on multiple platforms supporting Java with the bytecode. Moreover, the programmer can easily port an app from a single platform to a different one without repeated code compilation.

How Java Maintains Its Relevancy
Technology continues to advance daily, and this means that there are numerous upcoming job opportunities and high demand for developers who are knowledgeable in Java. Since there is an existing base, there is plenty of job creation in the tech industry.
Java, an all-around universal programming language, is solid and scalable and can be found in mobile phones, desktops, and large-scale company servers and apps. Recently, Java has gained credibility in different areas, including the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud development. Worldwide there are tens of millions of developers, and the community keeps growing every day.�?
Java focuses on giving back to the community through online forums like StackOverflow, like other open-source technologies. StackOverflow is a group of Java developers who help beginners with Java programming.
You probably use Java a lot more than you probably know. From websites including Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, and many others. Although Java may not suit all your needs, it remains a popular programming language that benefits many people and businesses.
Since Java is a general-purpose programming language, most developers prefer it when building desktop Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. Other developers develop various web applications by leveraging Java technologies. Therefore, there are numerous reasons why Java will stay relevant and essential in years to come in the developers’ world.
Features Of Java
Java provides numerous attractive features. They include
1. A platform-independent language
2. A rich standard library that makes it easy to code. It is possible to create an entire stand-alone app with the help of Java.
3. Supporting the allocation and deallocation of automatic memory, also known as�?
“Garbage collection.”
1. It provides excellent performance as the language supports multithreading as well as concurrency. Hence, this makes it a highly responsive and interactive programming language.
2. The language is simple and secure.
Java is a popular programming language that programmers use in creating web applications and platforms. The programming language was designed to be flexible and allow developers to write codes that can run on any machine despite the architecture or platform. Java is one of the safest and reliable programming languages.�?
Some of the essential Java applications include helping create Enterprise Software, developing android apps and various mobile Java applications, scientific computing apps used for big data analytics, and server-side technologies.