How to Have a Screen Saver on My Samsung Smart TV?

The Screensaver is a valuable function that displays a moving image or animation on a blank screen. The Screensaver on my Samsung smart TV keeps coming on. In addition, it gives the black blank screen an exquisite appearance.

The Samsung Smart TV has a variety of options, including a screensaver. The Screensaver gets turned on by default. For example, if your TV has been off for more than 30 minutes. The Screensaver usually appears while the smart TV is in sleep mode. You must, however, activate it in the settings.

This article is the outcome of what we learned while working on this subject, and it will significantly assist you in quickly setting and updating the Screensaver on your SamsungTV.

What Is the Purpose of Using a Screensaver?

Samsung’s UX designers conducted research and discovered that many consumers found a blank screen in their living room unpleasant.

They discovered that most TVs only get switched on for five hours a day on average, and because they take up a lot of space on the wall, they seem unappealing because they are mostly black screens.

To solve this, Samsung created Ambient mode, which allows you to set nearly anything as a slideshow and even have moving visuals. They offer some pretty unique themes, and you can even utilize your family’s images in your Screensaver to turn your TV into a giant picture frame.

How to Turn on Your Screensaver?

Samsung has offered a few screensaver alternatives to stop your TV from seeming like a giant black abyss in your living room.

However, before we pick an image, we must first switch on the Screensaver, which you can do via the TV remote or the SmartThings app.

To use the remote to activate the Screensaver, do the following:

  • Turn on the television.
  • To access the Home screen, press the Home button on the remote.
  • Using the arrow keys on the remote, navigate the Home screen and choose Ambient mode.
  • Choose your favorite mode, and you’re ready to start.

If you’re using the SmartThings app, follow these steps:

  • On your phone, open the SmartThings app.
  • Tap the + icon�?
  • Select device> By Brand > Samsung from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose TV, then select your TV from the list.
  • To add the TV to the SmartThings app, follow the rest of these�?steps.
  • With the three lines icon, access the app’s menu.
  • Please choose the location your TV is in and select its card.
  • Choose the Ambient mode.
  • After going through the tutorial, select “Start Now.”

After pressing “Start Now,” your screen will display multiple screen savers. Choose one, and you’re good to go.

Which Is the Best and Easy Way to Change Your Screensaver?

You may also modify the sort of Screensaver you have by picking one of four options.

Using the SmartThings App�?

  • Open the SmartThings app on your mobile phone.
  • Select the Add option (Plus Sign)
  • Choose a device
  • Choose a brand
  • Select the TV you desire to connect to.
  • To connect your TV, choose Start and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Choose from the menu (three horizontal lines)
  • Choose a location from the drop-down menu.
  • To see your options, choose your TV Card.
  • Scroll through the introductions in Ambient Mode.
  • Select “Start Now”
  • To modify your screensaver selections, follow the in-app instructions.

Using Your Remote to Change Your Screensaver

  • On your remote, press the Menu button
  • Select the Ambient Mode
  • Configure the Ambient Lighting
  • Choose a screen setting
  • To modify your screensaver settings, follow the directions on the screen.

What Are Samsung TV Ambient Mode, and How Does it Work?

The idea behind Ambient Mode on your QLED TV is to make your TV seem nice even when you’re not watching it. The ambient mode utilizes your TV screen to display video or visual décor, weather information, artwork, and trending photographs and news based on your preferences, unique to the 2019 QLED TV.

Instead of being a black hole, it may transform your TV into a window or a work of art.

You may also use a photo of the wall your TV is mounted on as the background of your TV to make it blend in.

The ambient mode comes with several adjustable screensaver settings and other features that allow you to further customize Ambient Mode to your preferences. For your convenience, we’ve included a quick summary of each choice below:


When using Samsung’s Ambient mode, you may choose from various moving graphics to use as your background. You may choose from a range of moving pictures to display on your screen, and you can tweak variables like Saturation, Brightness, and Tone.

They may create the atmosphere of a warm room, a rainy day, or even a roaring fireplace.

My Album

This feature helps to display your images instead of predefined ones and filter the slideshow dynamically. It uses templates like Dynamic Filter and Auto Gallery to create personalized displays with your images.

To add pictures to My Album, you’ll need to utilize the SmartThings app. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Go to the menu on the SmartThings app.
  • Go to the location of your TV card within the app and tap it.
  • Select Ambient mode> My Album from the drop-down menu.
  • Set the album template, then click View on TV to see it.
  • Select photographs from your phone’s camera roll to display in My Album by tapping Select photos.
  • After choosing your photographs and cropping them if necessary, click Next.
  • To transmit the photo to the template, choose View on TV.
  • Go to the template you used and click Style & settings if you wish to make any changes later.


You can even turn your TV into a giant picture frame by setting it to broadcast nature art or other still life. If you desire a different appearance, Samsung lets you change settings like contrast, brightness, etc.

Background Theme

If you prefer a solid color background for your TV, you may utilize the Background Theme option. You’ll be able to choose from various solid colors and textured hues. Like the other Ambient mode settings, you may alter the Background Theme settings under Styles & Options.

How to Have a Screen Saver on My Samsung Smart TV?

What Is Burn-In?

Because of their higher picture quality and contrast ratio, smart devices with OLED screens are more prone to burn-in. Burn-in happens when a fixed logo or other picture remains in the exact location on your screen for an extended period, generally many hours.

When you change the channel or switch the TV off, the fixed image creates a shadowy ghost image on that part of the screen.

Keeping your TV on the same network or gaming screen for lengthy periods can be an issue. If you frequently leave your TV on, setting your Screensaver to switch on after a particular inactivity time is the easiest way to avoid burn-in.

Why Does My Samsung Smart TV’s Screensaver Keep Coming On?

Samsung Smart TVs have taken the market by storm. However, consumers have complained that the Screensaver on their Samsung Smart TVs keeps coming on.

There are several reasons why screensavers continue to emerge from time to time. It’s also good to figure out why you’re still getting that problem after turning off the Screensaver.

Here are the main reasons why your Samsung Smart TV’s Screensaver keeps coming on:

  • Misconfiguration: The problem might be caused by a misconfigured smart TV setting when the Screensaver’s duration gets set to a shorter time frame. Thus, the likelihood of the Screensaver displaying increases. You should complete the setup in its entirety.
  • Bug: There may be a bug causing the Screensaver to reoccur on the screen. A general bug may cause the issue.
  • Idle Screen: If your smart TV has a screensaver feature, turning it off might bring it on. Make every effort to keep your gadget from being idle.
  • Out-of-date Firmware: Out-of-date firmware may have bugs and other problems. When a TV’s firmware is outdated, it produces more faults than when it is updated.

Troubleshooting the Samsung TV’s Screensaver That Keeps Coming On

Turn Off the Screensaver

First and foremost, you should try turning off the smart TV’s screensaver feature. On the other hand, disabling it allows you to reduce the Screensaver’s rate.�?

From the settings, you can quickly turn off the Screensaver by following the following:

  • Press the “Home” button on your remote.
  • From the Smart Hub menu, select Settings.
  • Select Advanced Settings from the System menu.
  • Navigate to the bottom of the page; pick Screensaver, and then “Turn Off.”

Disable the Smart TV’s Sleep Timer

When your smart TV is off, it automatically goes to sleep mode. The Samsung TV screensaver, on the other hand, continues to activate the sleep timer.

Therefore, turning off the sleep mode on your smart TV can reduce the likelihood of a recurrent screensaver.

Disconnect Receiver Box

The smart TV isn’t always to blame for the screensaver issue. You can, however, recognize it if you connect the smart TV to a cable box or receiver. You’ll need to unplug the smart TV’s receiver or cable box in such a situation.

The cable box allows you to watch a variety of channels. As a result, unplugging it all the time is not a viable option. You must unplug and re-plug the television and cable box.

Reconnect after that, and see whether the problem still exists. The channel might sometimes be the source of the problem. Try changing channels to see which one is causing the problem.�?

Change the Video Player

Suppose you only see the Screensaver in a particular player; then the gamer might not have noticed the Screensaver on his Samsung TV. According to most customers, the Screensaver comes up while utilizing a Blu-ray player on a Samsung television.

It may be due to a player-specific problem. However, you can inform the developer of the bug’s status to receive future patches. You can utilize another player till then.

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