Everything You Should Know About Hacking Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is now widely available in homes, workplaces, food stalls, cafés, restaurants, hotels, and hospitals, among other places. Unfortunately, not all of them are accessible for free. We must first purchase before providing internet connectivity to a café or business. Similarly, no one will give up their Wi-Fi password at their house or business. Even asking for the Wi-Fi password might be awkward at times.

So, in this article, we’ll educate you on how to hack a neighbor’s Wi-Fi password. Before we dive into the core of this article, which is how to hack Wi-Fi passwords on Android phones, we’ll go over some background information on the various types of Wi-Fi password security.

Password Security Types For Wi-Fi

There are three main methods of Wi-Fi password security.

1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP).

2. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).

3. Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS).

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) 

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Wi-Fi security is one of the world’s most popular and frequently utilized Wi-Fi security protocols. This security, however, is quite shoddy and insecure. Airman utilities from Kali Linux and Aircrack may be used in cracking and exploiting such Wi-Fi security quickly.

WEP has several weaknesses and vulnerabilities in its architecture:

1. The packets’ integrity is confirmed using Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC32). Capturing at least two packets can undermine the CRC32 integrity check. The attacker can change the bits in the encrypted stream and the checksum to make the packet acceptable to the authentication system. This attack results in illegal network access.

2. WEP creates stream ciphers using the RC4 encryption technique. An initial value (IV) plus a secret key make up the stream cipher input. The initial value (IV) has a length of 24 bits, whereas the secret key has a length of 40 bits or 104 bits. The secret key’s smaller potential value makes it simple to crack.

3. Initial value combinations with weak initial values do not encrypt properly. As a result, they are prone to assaults.

4. WEP is password-based, making it susceptible to dictionary attacks.

5. The handling of keys is ineffective. It’s challenging to change keys, especially on massive networks. There is no centralized key management system in WEP.

6. The starting settings can be used again.

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an upgraded and updated version of the WEP Wi-Fi security standard. In the year 2003, this Wi-Fi security system was introduced. However, an American hacker discovered a severe weakness in WPA security keys. As a result, it has become quite simple to circumvent this Wi-Fi protection. Any Wi-Fi password with WPA security can be cracked using an Android smartphone.

 Here are the weaknesses of the WPA:

1. It is possible to break the collision avoidance implementation.

2. It’s susceptible to denial-of-service (DoS) assaults.

3. Passwords get used for pre-shared keys. Dictionary attacks can exploit weak passwords.

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

Finally, the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a problematic Wi-Fi security system to break. However, it has been discovered that you can exploit this Wi-Fi security in some circumstances. However, this needs advanced hacking expertise. It may be tough to overcome this barrier if someone employs WPS security.

Different Methods Of Hacking Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi

Hacking Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi without Applications

Suppose you desire to break into your neighbor’s Wi-Fi without using applications, here is how to go about it:

1. Configure The IP Address With The IP Address Configuration tool

Wi-Fi password breakers who don’t utilize programs are more likely to employ this strategy. The procedure is also straightforward, and it seldom fails.

The indihome and @ Wi-Fi.id networks, for example, employ this approach to hack network passwords utilizing modem routers.

1. First and foremost, make sure your phone or laptop’s Wi-Fi is turned on. You can quickly check what hotspots are active around you once the Wi-Fi gets turned on.

2. Most hackers break into @ Wi-Fi.id since it is the simplest to locate everywhere.

3. You must first connect to this address if you pick @ Wi-Fi.id.

4. After you join, you’ll usually get a pop-up asking you to enter your login and password, as well as the Modify Network Configuration mode page.

5. That is where you may start messing about with @ Wi-Fi.id’s IP address. You must update the IP address from to on this page.

6. If that’s the case, open your browser and type HTTP //: in the address bar at the top.

7. You won’t be puzzled if you leave the login page because this is what you’ve been looking for in the browser. Just type in your username and password using the words ADMIN or USER as your username and password.

8. Keep in mind that the username used and password must be the same; for example, if you use the ADMIN username, the password must be ADMIN. If you use the USER username, you must also use the USER password.

9. Then look for Wi-Fi in the Settings area to see the username and password.

You’ll discover the actual username and password for entering @ Wi-Fi.id, linked to your device, and utilizes it.

Methods And The Signs Of A Router Break-In

2. On A Desktop Or Laptop, Use CMD (Command Prompt).

If you wish to connect through Wi-Fi while using a desktop or laptop, this can be utilized as a quicker approach to sneak into Wi-Fi than using a phone.

1. When using a laptop, you must first turn on Wi-Fi mode to locate the nearest hotspot.

2. After that, just hit the Windows key + R and type in the term CMD to open the CMD (Command Prompt) page.

3. You may type in upper and lowercase characters and then hit OK to bring up a CMD page with a unique black backdrop.

4. Enter the command immediately by typing ‘netsh WLAN display profiles’ and pressing enter. The names of the Wi-Fi networks linked to the laptop will show after that.

5. After that, type netsh WLAN show profiles name (network name) key = clear once again.

6. So, this is where the network data, as well as the password, will ultimately show. The password may be found in the ‘Key Content’ section.

After you’ve saved it, all you have to do now is discover a connection with a similar name and input the previously known password.

How To Hack Your Neighbour’s Wi-Fi Password With Applications

For those who prefer using applications to crack the Wi-Fi password, here are the methods commonly used:

1. Hacking Wi-Fi Password In Android using WIFI WPS WPA TESTER (Without Rooting)

The Wi-Fi WPS WPA TESTER app is a popular Android tool for cracking Wi-Fi passwords. The Wi-Fi WPS TESTER software hacks only routers connected to a WPS router with restricted functionality. 

Hacking Wi-Fi with this program is simple and takes a few steps. The most excellent aspect of this program is that you may use it without rooting your Android device. You may also use this software on a rooted Android phone with some additional capabilities.

You can check your router’s wireless security and strength with this Android app. If your router isn’t secure, the WIFI WPS WPA TESTER software can circumvent your Android phone’s Wi-Fi password. After bypassing the password, it connects the Android phone to the network without requiring a password.

Both rooted and non-rooted Android phones may use the Wi-Fi WPS WPA TESTER hacking applications. The procedures to crack a Wi-Fi password on an Android device without rooting are outlined below.

1. Download and install the WIFI WPS WPA TESTER app from the Play Store.

2. On your Android phone, enable the Wi-Fi settings.

3. Start the app and look for Wi-Fi networks in your area.

4. Choose one of the networks from the list and begin hacking with a single tap.

5. You can manually enter the key.

6. The app checks the Wi-Fi security and tries various word and number combinations to crack the Wi-Fi password. The software quickly locates the network code and immediately connects your phone.

2. Using The AndroDumper App APK

Another popular program for cracking Wi-Fi passwords on Android phones is AndroDumper. The app is used on non-rooted smartphones to steal Wi-Fi credentials. To use this app to steal Wi-Fi passwords on Android, follow the procedures listed below.

1. On your Android phone, download and install the AndroDumper software.

2. Turn on your Android device’s Wi-Fi settings.

3. To search for and obtain neighboring Wi-Fi networks, open the AndroDumper app and press the refresh button at the top of the screen.

4. Select the specific network you want to hack and connect to it with a tap.

5. Now the program will attempt every possible combination of alphabets and numbers to connect to your selected network. If the specified network’s Wi-Fi password is weak, this program may hack it.

3. Hacking Wi-Fi Password In Android Having WPA2 WPS Router (Root Device)

The Bcmon and Reaver Android apps will be used in hacking Wi-Fi passwords on Android. If you haven’t tried to root your Android phone yet, you’ll need one first.

1. On your Android phone, download and install the BCmon app APK file. This program aids in the monitoring of your Broadcom chipset as well as the breaking of PIN codes.

2. Now you may download and install the Reaver Android software, which will help you figure out and crack the WPS Wi-Fi network password.

3. Launch the BCmon app after it has been installed and select the “monitor mode” option.

4. Relaunch the Reaver app and affirm that you are not using it for any unlawful purposes on the screen. Continue with the Wi-Fi password by tapping on the APN or access point you wish to break. You may need to confirm your monitor mode to proceed, which you may do by closing and restarting the BCmon app.

5. In the Reaver app, go to settings and tick the “Automatic Advanced Setting” box.

6. Finally, click the commence assault button to begin your Wi-Fi cracking procedure; cracking the WPS Wi-Fi security may take 2-10 hours in this final phase.


You may attempt any method above to hack the Wi-Fi password one at a time to gain free internet access without having to download an application; you can even do it from your phone. However, there’s nothing wrong with asking your neighbor for the Wi-Fi password. As a result, you can gain free internet access without needing to hack into their Wi-Fi discreetly.

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