Why Is It Hard To Buy Books From The Amazon Kindle App On iPhone Or iPad?

Amazon provides a variety of book-related services to simplify readers’ lives (and, in some cases, help them save money on book purchases!). Their Kindle Unlimited membership is one of these services. If you’re new to Kindle Unlimited or have heard of it but haven’t tried it, you might be wondering how it works.

This Kindle Unlimited article will walk you through the basics of the Amazon program and explain all you require to get the most out of it. Even better, you’ll discover why you can’t buy Kindle books from your iPad or iPhone, as well as a workaround!

What Is Kindle Unlimited?

Kindle Unlimited is a monthly membership service that allows you to borrow and read many books from Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited library of over one million titles. Yes, this service allows you to read as many books as you desire each month. There are no limitations!

Popular books, Amazon originals, and self-published titles make up the Kindle Unlimited collection. You may also find books in ebook and audiobook formats and read/listen to them!

If you enjoy reading and reading many books each month, a membership service like Kindle Unlimited could be a good fit.

How Does Kindle Unlimited Work?

There are no waitlists or due dates with Kindle Unlimited, one of its finest features. Have you come upon a book that you’d want to read? Take it out right now! Want to read or reread it for a long time? You may keep it checked out for as long as you like!

This membership option also allows you to borrow up to 10 titles at a time. But hold on! I thought I said you might read as many books as you like each month? I did it, of course. This 10-book limit, on the other hand, indicates that you may read as many as you like, but you can only access ten at a time.

So, if you have ten titles checked out and wish to read book #11, you’ll need to return one of the ten ebooks before borrowing another.

However, the fact that you may “only” check out ten titles at a time isn’t a problem because how many of us read ten different books at once? You don’t have to “hoard” ebooks on your account or worry about not having access to them when you want them because Kindle Unlimited has no waitlists or due dates.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you may read Kindle Unlimited titles on any device with the free Kindle app installed. That means you may read Kindle books on your Kindle reader, as well as on your phone, computer, and other devices. This service does not need a Kindle e-reader; many users read on their e-readers for a more pleasant reading experience.

How Much Does Kindle Unlimited Cost?

If you’re wondering how much Kindle Unlimited costs, you’ll be pleased to learn that a monthly subscription to Amazon Kindle Unlimited costs only $9.99.

That would be the same as purchasing three or four ebooks separately, so if you read a lot each month, this subscription service can save you a lot of money. Even better, the first two months of your Kindle Unlimited subscription are currently free: all you have to do is sign up for the Kindle Unlimited free trial.

When signing up for this service, keep in mind their Kindle Unlimited subscription deal. This Kindle Unlimited deal essentially means that if you sign up for a certain number of months in advance (6, 12, or 24 months), you will pay less than when you pay month by month.�?

If you know you will appreciate Kindle Unlimited; then this is a fantastic way to get an even better price on the service!

Why You Can’t Buy Books From The Amazon Kindle App On iPhone Or iPad

Amazon released the most significant update to Kindle for iOS in the 15-year history of the e-reader a few years ago. It falls short in the most critical area: purchasing books.

The new iPhone Kindle app is crisper and more book-like (basically, the cover is larger, and you can read the ebook with a white background instead of just a black one). Much of the work appears to have connected the app with the Goodreads reading community.�?

This lets individuals locate new books recommended to them by friends or readers they enjoy and construct lists of books they wish to read or have finished. However, one essential feature is still lacking from the app: you can’t buy books with it.

The redesigned app “simply offers you access to millions of books—so you can read anytime, anyplace,” according to an Amazon press release. Unfortunately, it does not. The Kindle, Audible, and namesake applications from Amazon have never let iPhone users purchase digital books; trying to purchase an ebook or audiobook on an iPhone is still a difficult dance.

Instead of buying and starting to read options, there are 2 options: “Send a free sample” and “Add to List,” which refers to an Amazon wish list.

The Genesis of Conflicts Between Amazon Kindle and Apple Store

The issue stems back to an early 2011 policy change on the App Store when the late Steve Jobs was still the company’s CEO, and the App Store was just a few years old.

Apple has been chastised from the start for the rules that govern its App Store. They impose various content restrictions and manual reviews of software submitted to the marketplace, as well as taking a 30% cut of revenue from apps sold through the Store.

So, the answer to why I can’t buy books on the Kindle app and why I can’t buy Kindle books on the Amazon app is because Amazon refuses to pay. When you buy Kindle books on your iPhone or iPad using Safari or another web browser, Apple receives a share of the money spent on digital sales within its applications. But, when you buy Kindle books on your iPhone or iPad using Safari or another web browser, Amazon receives 100% of the money.

This conflict over in-app purchase commissions is why you can’t buy a Kindle book after you’ve tried it out and why you can’t buy a Kindle book through the Amazon app on your iPhone or iPad. It’s also why you can only buy and download Kindle books on your iPhone or iPad using a web browser rather than the application, and why you can only access the Kindle shop from your iPhone using a web browser rather than the app.

Fortunately, we’ve incorporated a workaround that will allow you to purchase new books on your IOS device�?without trouble!

Why Is It Hard To Buy Books From The Amazon Kindle App On iPhone Or iPad?

How to Purchase a Kindle Book on Your iPhone or iPad

Because Amazon does not allow in-app book purchases, there are no instructions for buying books on the Kindle app for iPhone. You may, however, buy Kindle books on your iPhone or iPad by following the steps below:

1. Open the Safari app on your device.

2. Go to Amazon.com.

3. Make sure you don’t tap any of the Amazon apps prompts.

4. If you haven’t already done so, sign in to your Amazon account.

5. At the top of your screen, tap the menu bar.

6. Select Kindle eBooks from the drop-down menu.

7. Look for the Kindle ebook you wish to buy and pick it.

8. Buy now with a single click.

And it’s been purchased! It will appear in your Amazon Kindle and Kindle Reader libraries automatically. Tap the book you purchased on your Kindle or in the Kindle app on your iPhone or iPad to download it to your device.

Pro Tip: If you use a website to access an app you already own, your iPhone or iPad will keep urging you to utilize the app instead. If you go to Amazon or the Kindle app by mistake and try to buy the book, you’ll get the notification, ” You cannot purchase this material through this app. The Kindle application allows you to view digital books and comics that you’ve purchased from Amazon.” If this happens, return to Safari.

Is It Possible for Me to Share Kindle Unlimited with Someone Else?

You may be acquainted with Amazon Household, which enables up to two adult accounts, four teenager accounts, and four kid accounts to link in a single household. That implies that one account may pay for Prime and enjoy all of the other linked accounts’ Prime privileges and digital content.

Unfortunately, at this time, this package does not include Kindle Unlimited. However, suppose you and your spouse or family member both have a Kindle Unlimited account (or are willing to share your login information). In that case, you can potentially use Kindle Unlimited simultaneously because you can access it from many devices.

How Can You Unsubscribe from Kindle Unlimited?

Do you want to learn how to cancel Kindle Unlimited? It’s a simple three-step process that shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to complete!

1. To begin canceling Kindle Unlimited, go to Kindle Unlimited Central.

2. Once you’ve arrived at this page, click the “Cancel Kindle Unlimited Membership” button.

3. You’ll next be asked whether you’re sure you want to terminate your Kindle Unlimited membership. To cancel your subscription, click “Continue to Cancel.”

Even better, you’ll be alerted how long your membership will be valid after you cancel. It doesn’t just stop working the instant you click cancel; instead, it lets you keep using it for as long as you’ve already paid for it!

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