A Guide To Building The Minecraft Dome

In Minecraft, there are numerous buildings that you can construct to be houses, towers, and some skyscrapers. One famous building in Minecraft is a dome. Making a dome in Minecraft is tiring and frustrating, especially if you are a beginner. However, an intermediate or experienced player will find the process easy. A Minecraft dome is a pixelated dome that resembles a real-life dome. Completing the process may take hours or minutes, depending on how skilled you are at Minecraft.�?

Because the construction is a process, read on to see these steps you can follow to make a dome.

What You Need To Make A Dome In Minecraft

Before building a dome in Minecraft, you need to download some applications, including Java, Forge, and World Edit Mod.

Downloading The Java Application

If you want to download a dome, you should install a Java application by visiting their official website. Once the page fully opens, click on the download option located at the bottom for your download to start.

Downloading The Minecraft Forge Application

You should download the Minecraft Forge application according to your Minecraft game version, or it will not be compatible with your game. Once you download the application fully, open the setup and click “Install Client” to install it.

Once you open the Minecraft application, click on its installation tab. Here, you can view your newly installed forge application. First, select the application and then click on the play button on the right side. When you click on it, it will extract your application and take some time until it’s fully loaded.

Downloading The World Edit Mod

After installing the forge application, you should also install the World Edit mod. The mod helps create the dome or construct whatever you want. Now that you have the world edit mod, you can place the file in the mods folder usually found in the .minecraft directory. Finding the Minecraft directory is easy. You only need to search for the “Run” dialogue box and open it by typing “%appdata%” and pressing OK.

Selecting And Playing The World Edit Mod

At this point, you should start the game, where you will see the mod option. Click on this option and select the world edit mod. Afterward, select the play button on the main menu to refresh it. Once you fully load the mod, a green, bare surface will appear, which will help you to create anything you want.

Materials Needed

There are some materials that you should have before you build a glass dome:�?

1. Glass blocks according to the size of the dome

2. Dirt blocks (64 pieces.)

These materials are helpful if you haven’t already made glass. To make glass, you will need the following materials.

1. Some sand blocks according to your dome’s size

2. Charcoal or coal, particularly one-eighth of the amount of sand you will use

Sizing And Flattening

Before you start building a dome, first, you must decide what size it will be. You can choose from various valid dome sizes in Minecraft, ranging from 3-39. After selecting the dome size, you must clear sufficient space for building the dome. This simply needs making a flat surface in the Minecraft world that’s large enough to hold the dome’s diameter. After that, outline the baseline of your dome using glass.

Only outline your dome when you are sure that the outline is correct by using dirt blocks and replacing them with glass to avoid wasting your glass blocks.

As you make the dome, you should have enough glass to build it or make it continuously by burning sand in the furnace as you use coal or charcoal as your fuel. To begin, construct a half-circle that goes vertically into the air at the points the charts cross-touch your circle on either side. This process will complete your dome’s outline.

The half circle’s size is half of the size of your chosen dome.

Building The Minecraft Dome

Make It High

The next thing to do is add blocks to your perimeter’s dome. Your chosen dome size will determine the number of blocks you need to add. For example, if you select a size 39 dome, you will need four blocks or three blocks for size 21. You might be wondering how to figure out the number of blocks you need to use. To do this, cut your dome’s outline in half, then your blocks at the point where the cross meets the circle to the shift-over end of the blocks. Once you’ve figured out how to do this successfully, the other processes will be relatively easy.

After mastering the last step, ensure that you repeat it. Still, this time you will have to follow the outline and push in a block for every glass layer while reducing the wall vertically to match the dome’s design that you created in the third step until you finish making the dome.

After finishing this process, your glass dome will be complete and might be smaller or larger based on the size of your chosen design.

Is There A Command For Building A Dome?

There isn’t a specific command for building a dome, although there is one for making a sphere. Domes are similar to spheres in shape, and you can use the command to make a dome. The -r will represent the offset value to create the dome. Then there should be a pattern for writing the name of the material you need to construct the dome. In your case, you can choose to use glass. The final one is the radius for defining the dome’s size according to the number of blocks.


Minecraft has limitless construction options where players can create any building they choose. However, every building has its orientation and structure design which can be challenging for a player to construct.�?

Therefore, you can use the world edit mod specially designed to help players who experience such problems solve this issue. This mod will help you make a dome and other types of building rather quickly.

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