Chrome Didn’t Shut Down Correctly – How To Fix This Problem | Step By Step Guide

Google Chrome is a very popular cross-platform internet browser developed by Google. Google Chrome was first launched in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, and it has grown popularity very quickly, and because of the high demand, Google launches Chrome for other platforms like Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android.

There are many Chrome users who posted about the “Chrome didn’t shut down properly” error on Google forums. While this problem occurs, users see an error message popping up when they open their Chrome browsers. The error message includes a restore button that restores previously opened page tabs, which is very annoying.

Why “Chrome Didn’t Shut Down Correctly” Problem Occurs

There are many reasons you can face this problem. Before digging into the solutions to this problem, it is very important to know why this problem occurs. Generally, you will see the pop-up message once you open your Google Chrome browser. This problem can occur because of your bookmarks or syncing issues between the Google Account on your laptop or desktop computer or other devices. If there is any problem withGoogle’s servers, then this problem can also occur. Moreover, this problem can happen because of the stemming from apps with poor coding that can cause corruption or sync issues.

How To Fix “Chrome Didn’t Shut Down Correctly” Problem

Depending on the cause of the problem, there are a few solutions available to solve this problem. They are:

1. Reset Google Chrome

2. Edit the Default Folder Title

3. Edit the Preferences File

4. Disable the Continue Running Background Apps option

Reset Google Chrome

This is a very basic solution that you can try first. Once you reseat the Google Chrome, it will return to its default setting as well as disable extensions. Now follow these easy steps:

1. First, click the “Customize and Control Google Chrome button.”

2. Click Settings to open the next page tab

3. Scroll down that tab, and click the “Advanced” button

4. Now, scroll down and click the “Restore settings to their original defaults” option

5. Finally, click “Reset Settings” to confirm

Before implementing this method, please remember that once you reseat your Google Chrome, it will erase all your local data and files that include:

1. Pictures, videos, movies, and other data

2. Everything in the “Downloads” folder

3. Everything in all custom folders and files that you’ve created

Edit The Default Folder Title

If resetting the Google Chrome doesn’t work, then you can try editing the default folder title to solve the problem. To do that, follow this easy guidance:

1. First, open the File Explorer with the Windows key + E hotkey

2. Select the Hidden Items checkbox on the View tab

3. Now browse to this folder path: C: > Users > (user account) >AppData> Local > Google > Chrome > User Data

4. Right-click the Default subfolder and select Rename

5. Enter “default_old” as the new folder title, and press the Return key

6. Now open Google Chrome and see if the problem is solved or not

Edit The Preferences File

Editing the Preferences file is another way to solve this problem. Many users said that this method works for them. So it’s worth trying this method. Follow these steps:

1. Open the File Explorer window.

2. Next, open this folder path in File Explorer: C: > Users > (user account) >AppData> Local > Google> Chrome > User Data > Default

3. Right-click Preferences and select “Open with” to open the window

4. Now select Notepad and click OK

5. Then click Edit > Find to open the search utility

6. Then enter “exit_type” in the search box, and click the OK button

7. Now delete “Crashed” and replace it with “normal.”

8. Click File > Save to save the changes

9. Close the Notepad text editor

10. Finally, restart Windows, and launch the Chrome browser

Chrome Didn’t Shut Down Correctly – How To Fix This Problem | Step By Step Guide

Disable The Continue Running Background Apps option

You can disable the “continue running background apps” to solve this error. Many users said this method works for them. Here is the process:

1. First enter “chrome://settings” in the browser’s tab bar and press the Return key

2. Now enter “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed” in the Settings tab’s search box

3. Toggle off the “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed” option if it is on

4. Finally, close and reopen Google Chrome

Final Thoughts

“Chrome didn’t Shut Down Correctly” is a very annoying problem, and it can impede your browsing experience. You can follow these above methods to solve this problem. Finally, let us know which method you apply and which one works in the comment section.


1. Why Is Chrome Not Closing Properly?

Short Answer- Disable all plugins and restart the browser. You may have to kill chrome.exe manually once and then reopen/reclose the browser to test this. If this doesn’t work, reenable all plugins, then navigate next to chrome: extensions and disable all extensions next. Repeat the close/open process to see if the behavior persists.

2. Why Do My Chrome Tabs Keep Closing?

Short Answer- It’s very common that the add-ons or extensions installed in your Google Chrome can cause your browser to crash. If your extensions get updated, the new update is not compatible with your browser, and that’s why your Chrome keeps crashing.

3. How Do I Stop My Tabs From Closing?

Short Answer- Use the Pin tab option to keep Prevent Close available in Chrome.

4. How Do I Keep Chrome Tabs After Closing?

Short Answer- Open the Chrome menu (click the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of Chrome) Click Settings. Scroll to the On Startup section at the bottom of the page. Click to enable the setting Continue where you left off.

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