How To Uninstall Parallels On Mac 

Uninstalling parallels on Mac can create many unexpected problems. Many will think uninstalling parallels is as simple as removing an app but it is the other way around. Parallels Desktop for Macallows Mac users to use Intel processors to run Windows, Linux, or other virtual machines. Unfortunately, you will face some issues while you have uninstalled Parallels on Mac. They are:

1. The application may run in the background or could not be closed

2. You cannot move the application to the Trash because it is currently in use

3. You cannot completely remove the components of the application from your Mac Computer

If you are no longer using the Parallels and want to uninstall it from your Mac then read this article thoroughly. In this article, our experts have elaborated a few proven methods to remove parallels from your Mac computer. These methods are very simple and you don’t have to be an expert to apply these methods. Just make sure you follow all the steps accordingly.

What Is Parallels Desktop For Mac?

Parallels Desktop for Mac is developed by Parallels for Apple-Intel architecture and it was first released on June 15, 2006. It is desktop virtualization software that allows Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Google Chrome operating systems as well as applications to operate smoothly on an Apple Mac computer. This software integrates the guest operating system (OS) into the Mac OS, allowing it to mimic the native OS operation. This application allows a user to operate Mac and guest applications side by side on their Mac computer. Users can also use a stand-alone guest virtual desktop on their Mac computer. The best part of this application is; you can switch between Windows and Mac OS without rebooting the computer which is very convenient. You can choose from 3 modes:

1. Coherence Mode: In this mode, you can run guest and Mac apps side by side in a single window

2. Full-Screen Mode: With this mode, you can create a full guest desktop

3. Customizable Mode: This mode allows users to resize and customize the virtual machine windows

How To Uninstall Parallels On Mac Computer

There are few effective methods available to uninstall parallels on Mac computers. Pick a method that best suits you and follow that method to uninstall parallels on a Mac computer. Let’s check them out.

Method 1 – Uninstall Parallels With iMyMac Mac Cleaner

iMac Mac Cleaner is a very popular and highly efficient tool to clean and optimize the Mac computer. With this app, you can easily clean out the Parallels and their associated files and it will not cause any further issues that were mentioned above. Moreover, the uninstalling process is very simple. Here is what you have to do:

1. First, download and install the iMac Mac Cleaner on your Mac computer

2. Then launch the application on your computer

3. Now you will see the Uninstaller on the left side of the interface

4. Click on the Uninstaller

5. Then click on the “Scan” button to start the scanning process

6. Then click on the View button and go to the page of Parallels Desktop

7. In the left column, you will see all the installed apps

8. Now click on the Parallels Desktop and the files or folders under the app

9. If you want to clean all the files then click on the “Select All” to clean up all the files under the app

10. Then click on the “Clean” button to finish the process

11. It will take a few times to complete the process

Method 2 – Remove Parallels Manually From Mac

You can uninstall Parallels manually from your Mac computer. The process is very simple. Follow the below steps:

1. First click on the Toolbar

2. From there click on the Parallels icon

3. Now from the available options click on the “Quit Parallels Desktop” and it will close the Parallels

4. You can check via Activity Monitor to ensure that all the processes associated with Parallels have closed

5. Now go to the application folder and move Parallels to the Trash

6. Then empty the trash and reboot your computer to complete the process

How To Remove Leftover Files Of Parallels Desktop

1. First, go to the Go menu in the menu bar

2. Then choose “Go to Folder”

3. Now copy-paste each of the following folder’s pathnames into the text box, one at a time:

a) /Library

b) /Library/Launch Agents

c) /Library/Launch Daemons

d) /Library/Application Support

e) /Library/Preferences

f) /Library/Caches

4. Delete anything related to Parallels

How To Uninstall Parallels On Mac

Final Thoughts

I hope you find this article helpful and learn how to remove Parallels from the Mac PC. If there is anything you want to know or facing problems while applying any of the above methods, then don’t hesitate to ask a question in the comment section. Our team of experts will answer your questions and provide solutions.


What Is Parallels?

Parallels is a program for operating systems that allows you to use your Mac computer with Windows, Linux, and other operating systems. This is a great way to run Windows programs on a Mac without having to boot from the Operating Systems DVD or USB drive. Parallels can be used to boot any Operating System without affecting the current boot disk.

What Is The Difference Between Parallels And VMware?

Parallels and VMware are two different virtualization platforms that allow the running of multiple operating systems on a single computer. Parallel’s is often preferred for Mac users due to their experience with the Mac operating system, but both are strong software applications. VM Ware supports more desktop operating systems, while Parallels has better integration with application programs and the user interface on the Macintosh.

How To Uninstall Parallels On Windows?

Uninstalling Parallels on Windows is an easy process. You can uninstall Parallels by going to the Control Panel and clicking on the Uninstall tab, where you will find a list of programs that can be uninstalled. Once you click on the icon of the program you want to uninstall, it will run a quick scan for any components that need to be removed as well as any associated files that need to be deleted.

What Are The Benefits Of Parallels For Mac?

Parallels for Mac offers users the ability to run both Windows and OS X applications simultaneously on the same device. The software is designed to not only provide users with new ways of working, but also saves time, money, and resources that would otherwise need to be invested in purchasing new devices or having two computers on hand.

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