In-Depth Comparison Between App Store Vs. Play Store

What is your go-to app? We’re sure a few names spring to mind, without which you wouldn’t be able to go through your day. Depending on your gadgets’ operating system, you should applaud the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store for allowing you to use such apps.

The two app stores are major participants in the app market with large and loyal followings. However, because each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, compare the Apple App Store and Google Play Store to see which you prefer.

What Is The Difference Between The Apple App Store And The Google Play Store?

Official app marketplaces for Android and iOS are Google Play Store and Apple App Store, respectively. The Apple Application Store and Google Play are two separate universes in the app ecosystem.�?

When developers think about their next project, the age-old debate of App Store vs. Play Store comes up. They want to know which platform is best for them, but there isn’t a simple answer – it all depends on your demands at the time! On the one hand, the app store generates only IOS apps for iPhones, while on the other hand, the Play Store produces only Android apps for various types of devices.�?

An app may be offered on both platforms. Depending on what you’re attempting to do, one may create a better setting than the other.

Quality Of Apple App Store VS. Google Play Store

When you consider an app’s approval time, it’s easy to see which of the two app stores provides higher-quality apps and is safer for its users.

The Google Play Store reviews and approves apps in about two hours or less. Is that really enough time to determine whether the app is ready for public use? Thousands of Android applications are submitted every day, so it’s unlikely.�?

However, each app goes through an automated process to ensure that it is free of viruses and malware and does not contain nudity or copyrighted images. Furthermore, experts manually inspect the apps.

The Apple Application Store, on the other side, takes longer to review apps before they publish them on the platform.

We can conclusively say that the Apple App Store offers higher-quality apps to its users. While Google Play has a lot of great apps, there’s a good chance you’ll run into some buggy apps that could put your security at risk.

Revenue Comparison: Apple App Store VS. Google Play Store

The Google App Play Store and the Apple App Store follow the same principles for splitting the money with app developers. The developer receives 70% of the revenue, while the retailer receives 30%.

Despite this, the Apple App Store led with $72.3 billion in sales in 2020, accounting for 65 percent of overall app revenue. Google Play Store produced approximately $40 billion in sales from Android apps in the same year. That is a small fraction of Apple’s App Store earnings. However, compared to the prior year, it is still up by 25%.

Furthermore, even though Android holds 71.44 percent of the global smartphone and tablet operating system market value as of May 2021, Apple Application Store leads Google Play in terms of money earned (compared to 27.77 percent owned by iOS).�?

Furthermore, with a market valuation of $2,104 trillion as of June 2021, Apple is the most valuable company globally.

The Apple App Store is the leader in this sector, so most businesses advise mobile application developers to launch apps for iOS first if their goal is to make money.

Growth: �?Apple App Store vs. Google Play Store

Apple Application Store and Google Play Store have grown tremendously since their first launches in 2008.

According to UK smartphone usage statistics, 100 percent of GenZ in the UK has a smartphone.

What impact do you believe this has had on the expansion of app stores?

The number of Android apps accessible on Google Play has increased dramatically. The Apple App Store, on the other end, stands out due to its year-over-year rise in gross income.�?

However, this isn’t to say that Google’s Play revenue growth rate isn’t impressive. Google Play Store, for example, had a 25% rise in income in 2020 compared to 2019. Similarly, according to figures, app growth in the Apple App Store climbed by 6.10 percent.

Number of Apps in the Play Store vs. the App Store

The Apple App Store only had 500 iOS apps available at its launch. It now has 2.22 million apps, making it the second-largest app store globally.

So, how big is the Google Play Store compared to the Apple App Store? Yes, with 3.48 million Android apps in the first quarter of 2021, it is the largest app store. Users downloaded 108.5 billion mobile applications from Google Play in 2020, up to 76 billion in 2018.�?

According to statistics, in 2024, Google Play Store customers are expected to download 139 billion mobile apps.

Android users may now download apps from sources other than the Android Market, possibly expanding the number of apps accessible. However, before assuming that you will be able to access all desired programs on a new smartphone, verify with your carrier because carriers have regulations limiting what you may download onto devices they provide.�?

Some smartphone users “jailbreak” or “root” their devices and install programs that aren’t accessible on Apple’s App Store for their iOS devices. Jailbreaking and rooting your phone might void manufacturer warranties, violate carrier service agreements, and disable specific phone functionality, among other things.

Application Security

Apple App Store has tight requirements for what constitutes an excellent iOS app and strong security concerns to ensure that apps are safe and compatible with all Apple devices. Before releasing their apps on the store, mobile app developers must undertake a particular review process to ensure that they are not substandard-quality applications and meet these standards.�?

However, it appears that some censorship is taking place here, as sometimes popular or widely used third-party software is rejected from iTunes due to its potential to compete with Apple’s other proprietary services.

Android consumers appreciate the ‘freedom of choice’ that comes with more apps, but they also have to deal with many concerns. Unlike Apple App Store, Google Play Store offers a lenient automated review procedure. That is one of the reasons why Android has a larger number of apps than iOS.�?

Another issue is that many Android users dislike these options because there is no quality control for app developers who create thousands of apps every day without checking their work. That results in low-level games flooding the Play Store and users having difficulty finding good content among them.

The Approval Process: Google Play Store Is Easier

The most challenging issue developers encounter while building for the iOS App Store is getting their app authorized. Getting an app accepted into the IOS App Store is a difficult task. Apps might face rejection for minor flaws, aggravating developers who have certain visions for how their apps should appear and perform.�?

To ensure that their apps comply with Apple’s standards and policies, developers must devote a significant amount of time and effort.

Many apps get rejected the first time they are submitted, but this isn’t always negative. The App Store’s efficient app review staff provides the developer with detailed information on why they rejected them. Developers may be irritated in the near term, but they will grow more adept at developing mobile apps in the long run.

It’s much easier to get an app into the Google Play Store. On the Android app platform, apps have a low possibility of being rejected. That eliminates the aggravation that App Store developers experience and allows them to explore their ideas.

User Reviews

If you look at the consumer ratings for both app sites, you’ll notice that their overall rating isn’t great. Surprisingly, they both share the same Trustpilot rating of 1.6 stars. Let’s concentrate on the good reviews because the bad ones for both app stores are mostly about refunds that were not approved.

According to consumers, the app store for Android is well-organized and simple to use. Furthermore, critics stated that Google Play has a large selection of Android applications and games. Customers have noticed multiple low-quality applications in many evaluations, and Google Play should address this issue.

The Apple App Store’s users are generally pleased with the overall products, and many have stated that they use multiple Apple devices. Additionally, Apple’s customer support team has garnered favorable evaluations.

User Interface

Nokia’s CEO claimed to remember him for his clean and beautiful designs when Steve Jobs passed away. Because of this, all apps must adhere to Apple’s UI guidelines, making iOS devices easy to use.

On the other hand, while Android may not have as much ease in terms of design as other platforms, it is very configurable in comparison to others, putting it one step ahead of competitors such as iPhones and iPads that operate on the iOS platform.

Mobile Development

Although iOS and Android allow developers to create applications, there are several crucial distinctions to consider before deciding which Operating System platform is best for your project. The following table compares the most important components of the Apple App Store vs. Google Play Store battle:

Key AspectsAndroidiOS
Target AudienceLess valuableMore valuable
Development Speed2 Days7 Days average
Development LanguageJava, KotlinSwift
Design PhilosophySpecified Requirement�?Flexible
IDEAndroid StudioXcode
Development Complexity�?HighMiddle
App Store AcceptanceShort app reviewLong app review
Development TimeHigh�?Depends on complexity

The most crucial question in this epic struggle between Apple App Store and Google Play Store is; where do your consumers live? What makes them tick, and who are they? What type(s) of devices do they prefer? The answers to these crucial questions will decide the optimum development and marketing strategy.

Users of iOS and Android have a variety of distinct traits. The success of an application is largely determined by how well you understand your target audience and how you develop content that meets their demands.�?

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